UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

I’m sorry, but this simply isn’t true. The vast vast majority of people who are qualified enough to have a PhD and be a professor have excellent English communication skills. Also, the H1B requires a proof of English proficiency which is more than enough to certify that the person is a fluent English speaker.

Making claims like XYZ don’t know English or are poor in English is not only wrong but also discriminatory.


I can tell you that according to my DS2 (college soph now) that professors with heavy accents are particularly hard to understand when masked.


I don’t understand the point you are trying to make. You started by talking about PhD candidates but your entire argument is about 3-yr program graduates from India who get a H1B visa after a certification bootcamp. No one is hiring those people into academia and PhD candidates to US schools from India tend to be the cream of the crop and they all get in through the F1 program which requires demonstration of English language competence.


It seems to me that CS is limited because they can’t hire professors. Because CS is limited, we rely on foreign workers to fill positions. So logic dictates that it makes sense to open up teaching positions to foreign professors so we can expand CS departments and graduate more kids in computer science so they could fill domestic positions instead of continuous reliance on foreign workers.

A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Check out this thread. Lots of discussion about it there.

DH is a PhD in CS, but burned out of the publish or perish tenure track circus. Only in the past 5-6 years did the non-tenure teaching faculty (not just adjunct) options become available and it’s been a career rejuvenation for him. He’s teaching DS and CS classes, gets to do the pedagogy and mentoring that he loves, and gets to make meaningful connections with local businesses re: placement of students and training of their employees. There are CS PhDs out there who would like to step away from the high demand SWE jobs and teach, but definitely see academia as about publishing and fighting for tenure. The universities need to expand and advertise these as viable options too.


It may improve for younger people if they continue to protest (like the UC graduate students). Gen X (me) really got the short end of the stick. The baby boomers never retired and only hired adjuncts (obviously a gross overstatement, but very true in many places).


for the conditions of admission, do I have to maintain a WEIGHTED gpa of 3.0 or UNWEIGHTED gpa of 3.0?

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Unweighted - a B average.

A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

what day would they have Cal Day for admitted students?

April 22 from 9 am- 4 pm

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when will UCB decision come out?

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March 30th, time not confirmed. Early notification came out around 3:30pm Pacific so I’d imagine it comes out around the same time as the Ivies.

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3:15 pm last year

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Apparently my daughter has received several texts from Cal asking her to sign up and look at their ZeeMee? Do they send this to everyone?

That’s generally something that happens for all applicants and isn’t directly from admissions in any way. It’s a student-organized thing.


Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well :slight_smile: I applied to GMP, and I was wondering if anyone knows that if due to its competitive admittance rate, do they truly admit you as undecided if you are unable to get into GMP but they still want you at Berkeley?

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