UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Both Data Science and Computer Science are classified as high demand majors. Most spaces in these majors will be filled with directly admitted first years.

There is a pathway for undeclared students to declare a high demand major through a review process. Since the policy is new there isn’t a lot of data on admission rate, but you can expect that it will probably be difficult to very unlikely. New High Demand Majors Policy from the College of Letters & Science - Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Changing to a high-demand major after arriving at L&S: For students who did not select a high-demand major on their UC Berkeley admissions application, the process for declaring a high-demand major will be through a review, rather than a minimum GPA requirement only. Students will have one opportunity to apply for a high-demand major, and will be required to have an alternate plan to declare a non-high-demand major as a back-up.

Someone had shared this video on one of the threads, will give you a better perspective.

I would say likelihood of a change into a high demand major is minimal.


I believe you need a subscription to access this data.


This is not surprising, I guess


do you have an idea of what criteria they will ask/look for to change to data science for example in this new policy instead of simply just looking at gpa like previous years?

I don’t think that they have released details on the review process for high demand majors. But I think the main thing to know is that this pathway isn’t designed to accommodate a lot of people declaring the major. Is there also a non-high-demand major that you would be happy with?

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That video (at 13mins) gives some numbers to consider. About 100 CS majors will be admitted directly to L&S, and about 70 coming from other majors will be allowed to take CS after a review during their second year. Nothing is set. But this is down from hundreds in the past.

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My daughter is the same…I told her about the portal astrology theories and she won’t even let me take a peek. :joy: She absolutely does not want to know


Indeed, it was eye opening for us, helped manage our expectations!

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do we know what time tomorrow decisions will be released?

My son is same. Doesn’t care to know. However, I couldn’t resist and just read through the thread which does seem like they’ve cracked it. :grimacing:Also, the traffic has grown considerably and will probably pass this thread later today.


Yep. So many accounts created within the last few hours still. I know reddit banned portal astrology, but several of the posts mimic discord style so I’m guessing people are getting directed from there as well.

It is an interesting window into a sliver of Berkeley CS, that’s for sure, and it doesn’t look all that friendly.


It’s been interesting to follow, that’s for sure… My daughter wouldn’t even consider getting into all of that. But I’d be curious to know if after all is said and done tomorrow, if those that were taking part will post their results to see if they correspond with their speculation?


Not for sure, but probably around 3 PM. That’s what it’s been in the past, and what it was for the February admits.

Is it true that if you got invited to submit a video essay for MET, then you likely got in to Berkeley Engineering?

havent heard that before.
My son Class 2027 got video interview for MET. Waiting for results tomorrow

I read this on some posts about MET. Those posts state that if you got a video essay invite, that means you made the Engineering cut. Next the application goes to the Business school. I have no idea if this is true. Hence asking if anyone else has any information.

Yes, 100% agree. I was ignorant a few weeks ago when I thought it could be a good thing. Now I understand the frenzy and panic that ensues. These applicants don’t read the thread, so they repost the same things and ask the same questions over and over again. They also disregard advice that they may be crossing the line.

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It’s all relative and depends what you are used to. But there’s a robbery in the town/campus of Berkeley on average every day. Sometimes on campus but even more right next to campus. if you’re used to coexisting in an urban location where you have to be aware of your things and your surroundings at all times, it won’t be anything new. If you grew up in a place where you don’t even have to lock your doors, it may be an adjustment.


I had the same question but did not get a definitive response. At this time it is probably just a correlation not causation.