UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Oh good point - if any of you out of towners decide UCB is the place to be, some of us are local - maybe something to keep in your back pocket in case of emergency.


In shock! D23 accepted

Major: Legal Studies

In State (OC)

4.0 UW/4.4 Weighted
Don’t know her capped gpas
Mock Trial Attorney
Student Ambassador
3 years of tennis (captain 2 years)
Summer City Council intern
Weekly babysitting
Volunteer same place once a week for almost 2 years
Did not take SAT or ACT
3 Aps junior year (5, 5, 4)
5 aps Senior year
Multiple honors classes

Accepted: Berkley, UCSB, Early SDSU, Early CSULB
WL: UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis, Cal Poly SLO
Rejections: only WL no hard rejections.


Congrats. This is awesome. Would you mind sharing EC and APs etc.

My kid came home and said that several of his friends that were rejected from UCLA were accepted to Berkeley and vice versa - so he’s happy :upside_down_face:


I got into ucla and berkely but got rejected at usf this things a literal lottery lmao

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Crazy, I toured Davis today and was ready to commit and be an Aggie. As my Dad and I were driving past Berkeley on the 80 back to SF we remembered that UCB decisions are out today so I checked the portal. Accepted L&S. I screamed, burst into tears and my Dad was able to pull across a few lanes of traffic to exit so we could stop by the campus and buy a freakin sweatshirt. Literally, it was my first time on campus. I sat on a bench and committed online and paid my $250 deposit as I am still superstitious that they made a mistake, LOL.

Accepted: UCB, UCD, UCSC, SDSU
Waitlisted: UCLA


Sure, 6 APs, 64 units of dual credit, AA degree. ECs- 4 year varsity athlete, volunteer work, honor societies. Most significant EC was summer research two separate summers, contributed to published research.


My son was rejected

Major: Civil Engineering
UC unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC weighted & capped GPA: 4.36
UC fully weighted GPA: 4.64
Number of A-G classes: 24
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses: 12
In-State/OOS/International: In-state
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Accepted: UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCD, Georgia Tech, Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, UW Seattle, Purdue, UTK, Oregon State, Boise State, UofA
Waitlisted: UCI
Rejected: UCB

He has lots of great options! I’m glad the college decisions are done, and he can now figure out which one is best for him.


is there a registration link for Cal Day? Can’t seem to find it

Congratulations to all who were admitted today.

Regarding SEED, it first started at Cal in 2020 . They had great plans for summer orientation/bonding, SEED’s housing, etc. Then the world shut down. I’m not sure if the program took place in 2020-21 or if it was put on hold. If it did start in 2020, the first cohort would be juniors this year.

When I researched it in 2020, the summer program and SEED assigned dorm were mandatory. A student did not have the option to live with a non SEED roommate during the school year. I don’t know if that has changed. They know that Berkeley is a big school and studies show that students are more successful when they have peer support. They are trying to build a community.

Through mentorships and opportunities for research, their ultimately, the goal is to have students pursue PhDs.

Scholars are expected to apply to a minimum of four approved masters or doctoral programs by December of their senior year.

Scholars determine their own path once they leave UC Berkeley in pursuit of their personal and professional goals. This may include applying for professional programs, taking advantage of employment opportunities, or taking a gap year. We encourage all scholars to follow their passions; however, they must still apply to a minimum of four approved graduate programs.

The program needs students from all walks of life in order to create the diverse community that they are striving for. Diversity includes people who do not consider themselves to be URM.

As far as competition, many of the students who received early admission in February were invited to apply. Their deadline to apply was last week. I haven’t read any of the early admits say that they were accepted. There were several students on CC who applied last year but, again, I have not heard of anyone who was accepted.

Edit: Again, from 2020… The assumption was that students would stay and continue their research over the summer. I remember that they were considering allowing Engineering (or was it Business???) to work in industry over the summer.

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Got accepted to Cal. Yet I was rejected from UCLA, SDSU, Cal Poly Slo, UCSD and waitlisted at Irvine. I was admitted to USC and Davis.


Events - Admitted Students.

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thank you for the details. Its a fairly new program. So its works as a cohort, do you know how many students are selected as freshman?

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I don’t. My student applied but ultimately decided to attend a different school.

Decision: Accepted
Major applied to: Environmental Science
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.4
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.63

ELC (top 9% CA HS): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year):
11 AP Courses (8 in 10-11)

State Champion Varsity Sport
Founder of School Club
Officer in multiple clubs
Graphic design awards
Volunteer 6 hours weekly ecological aide state park
Alzheimer’s care attendant

Job/Work Experience:
3 years as youth instructor
3 years tennis coach, 15+ hours/week

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): CA Bay Area
Country (if international applicant):
Applied for need-based financial aid? no
First Generation? no

Accepted: UCSC, UCLA, UCSB, UW, Oregon Honors, Boulder, Colby, Berkeley

Waitlist: UCSD, BU, Northeastern

Rejected: Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown


Major: Mechanical Engineering
UC unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC weighted & capped GPA: 4.33
UC fully weighted GPA: 4.52
School has no AP
In-State/OOS/International: In-state
ELC (top 9% CA HS): No for school, likely Yes statewide

Accepted: UCB, UCLA, UCI, UCSD (2nd choice major), UCSC, UCR, UCM, Cal Poly SLO (and other CSU’s), UW (Seattle), Purdue, UIUC, Georgia tech, Boston U, WPI, RIT
Waitlisted: UCD, UCSB, Northeastern, CMU, Cornell
Rejected: 7 private colleges (including USC where brother is)
In the hindsight, could have just applied UC and CSU

The kids I know at Davis are all so happy, and out there being themselves!

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Out of curiosity, what is her major? GPA?

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Would you mind sharing GPA/rank/ other schools where he was accepted?

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Wow! That’s a lot of college applications!

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