UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

is everyone’s withdrawal option all says the same thing. Mine says “I would like to withdraw from further consideration”.

So do I press the main ‘sign in’ button, or the ‘undergraduate admits’ sign in button (the one underneath ‘new to CalCentral’)?

yeah mine says “i would like to withdraw from further consideration”

mine says the same!

i haven’t seen any of those buttons. it should just be a sign in button and then give u the option to use your calnet ID or map@berkeley

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When I pressed “Sign In” button, it showed “Unrecognized Login.” When I pressed the “undergraduate admits” sign in button (the one underneath ‘new to CalCentral’), it took me to the Applicant Portal. Wonder what it means…

What do you see when you get into Calcentral with your Map@berkeley

what time do decisions come out on Friday?

most likely around 5pm pst

I got unrecognized login but I haven’t had a CalCentral account before. Does anyone know what that means?

Admissions said anytime after 3pm.

i suspect it means pretty much nothing haha

when i use my calnet ID, it takes me to my old calcentral homepage. when i use map@berkeley, it used to say unauthorized and it would just say to go to my app portal if i’m an applicant but today it changed to take me to my old calcentral homepage again

From what I heard in the 2025 Berkeley’s thread, a more accurate hint is in the withdrawal option. supposedly, if it says “I will not be attending cal…” then you got in. I don’t know if anything has changed.

Oh no… does this mean I was rejected? Brb while I throw up :sob:

Where is that withdraw button? Or like where would it be lol

In your applicant portal (MAP)

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OHH gottcha im scared to click “withdraw”… Will it literally withdraw my whole app

Nah it will ask you to confirm that you want to withdraw so it’s safe you can try it.

No I believe there are 3 steps until you withdraw