UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

(Not a reply to SalmanTurjo.)

Ok, folks. All freshman admits for all UCs are in. This thread is about to get heavy. D19 awaiting decisions.

I’m so confused… I’m under the impression that they updated my app because I don’t remember the “form” section like that. But I can’t see the withdrawal/waitlist thing that you guys are talking about :cold_sweat:

I don’t see anything different in my portal. I see withdrawal under tools, but I think that’s always been there. I’m on my smartphone and not using chrome. Perhaps I should.

Withdraw Button Quick Update: It’s been established that you are presented with either 1 of 3 options: “Unauthorized”, “I wish to withdraw from further consideration”, and “I will not come to Berkeley and wish to withdraw”

NOW: If you go to source code with option 3, it presents you with this full text: “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.” No joke. you guys can verify this.
(copied from reddit)

Did anyone got “I will not come to Berkeley and wish to withdraw”?

I got the second one

There is no way they are done with transfer applications yet

It’s possible. They were asking for my unofficial transcript by mid January.

did it always say it will be available on or before the 23rd? I thought it said it would be available on the 23rd, does anyone think there is a chance they release earlier?

That just means BY 23rd. They’ll definitely be releasing much earlier. In fact if you get it that late, that’s probably not a good sign as rejections are typically the very last.

I thought Berkeley does not do rolling admissions? I am pretty sure everyone is going to hear back on the 23rd.


I thought UCB starts releasing on the 23rd. I looked around and it says that admission decisions are released at the end of April.

my thoughts exactly

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ALL decisions come out the same day, at the same time. So, if it says decisions will be out the 23rd, expect to hear back ON the 23rd.

Last year, it was the 15th or 16th, and I got my acceptance at the same time everyone else did.


Ah, ic. Well, I’m just going by what the portal says. It says “decisions will be available ON or BEFORE April 23rd.

I have a GC with 10 people and all of them have ‘ the waitlist thing I don’t think it means anything very low odds not a single person out of the group got accepted or rejected.

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Apparently it will change roughly 3 days before the official announcement on the 23rd.

And yeah I get it says on or before April 23 implying there is a chance of a early release but I have never seen Berkeley releasing applications early b4. Most likely ALL of our results will be launched at the exact same time around 5 pm on the 23rd. The waitlist glitch has been confirmed as 100% legit(as per the freshmen students all stating that their actual admit correlated with the glitch)


I am confused about what people mean regarding the waitlist glitch.

just scroll up or just navigate to the 2025 freshmen waitlist thread they have 1000 posts talking about it. ur waitlist message determines whatever or not you got in, but it only works and shows up several days before the actual announcemnet.

So the freshman thread discussed the option of clicking on the " I would like to withdraw my application" and the three options. Are we saying that this applies to transfers as well? Or is it just the only thing that applies to us the glitch that displays a waitlist message?

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We are assuming that it will also apply to us, however, decisions likely haven’t been made/uploaded for transfers yet, so it won’t apply until a few days before they actually release decisions. Since they weren’t intending it to be on there, there is also a chance they fix it considering we still have almost a month, so it may not apply anyways.