UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

this might be weird and not necessary, I am just super curious about the break down of how many people got unauthorized. After you respond you should be able to see the breakdown between the answers. If the withdrawal answer is actually an indicator more people should have the unauthorized, bc the acceptance rate is around 25%

breakdown.withdrawal status


While Berkeley wasn’t my dream pick, still mildly salty about having a 3.79 w/ English major and got unauthorized since I thought I was relatively in the clear vs. previous year’s admit range.

I might be wrong but right now I feel like its around 60% no auth, and 40% normal message, remember since we are in this forum most of us are tryhards and the data is skewed, also keep in mind a percentage will go to the waitlist which is essentially the same as rejection.

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There are 3 codes tho, not 2

Your data is going to be biased because certain types of people browse these forums.


Yeah its true we are a very different population than the average transfer. I was just curious

another history major here and your gpa is higher than mine so i’m officially freaking out lol. i’m not even gonna check mine, if anything i hope the ECs and essays saved the day.

Unfortunately this is defiently a bummer, Berkeley would’ve been nice. Still waiting on UCLA but I am 100% confident I won’t be getting into there with my stats. UCSD is my last hope. :frowning:

what are your stats?

Im not looking for “data” it was just hard to gauge how many people got what. I can take it down though if it isn’t useful.

So your igetc will be complete at the end of summer?

no, I’m just saying don’t use it as a definite result. Still a good metric to speculate with.

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just a note - your form has a “submit another response” option so one person could theoretically submit multiple responses and skew the data! not that anything one here would do that tho :,)

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Correct. I am missing a biological science class (5-C) to complete my IGETC. Planning to take it this summer.

i’m a history major too! would you mind sharing your stats?

alrighty just fixed it


unauthorized, sociology, 4.0, honors program, all prereqs and igetc done

Which form was this?

Edit: From an email on January 8.

Complete your required supplemental forms on both MAP@Berkeley and My UC Application. The deadline is 11:59 PM P.S.T. on January 31, 2021.

I remember the MAP forms, but not the UC Application forms.

I think it is interesting either way!