UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

Could anyone tell me what the Supplemental form on the “My UC Application” consisted of for Berk? I honestly cant rememebr if i did it and I’m scared thats why I’m not getting the withdraw option. Was it more than just the Transfer Academic Update?

yes, we had to submit a supplemental form to uc berkeley that basically said we will have our reqs done by the time we transfer in fall

Check ur form on yr portal if they have a green check mark beside it u should be fine

I have the IGETC form on my portal but i was reffering to this one, that was mentioned in an email. Any one know what it was about? I did my TAU but am not sure if this is something additional for Berkeley specifically.

On your applicant portal if you scroll down it should say if you did it I think!

Thanks. This thread is giving me so much anxiety I cant take it hahaha

I don’t think the other options will come out tonight. Makes no sense to do one tho.

“Smart” is generous wording, Halea. Thanks.


Guys I just noticed the difference between my transcript and my submitted TAU.
I go to DVC, so the course equivalency for English R1B is either ENG-123 or ENG-126. I submitted the TAU with I completed ENG-123 with an A grade. However, I actually completed ENG-126 with an A grade. Will this matter a lot when I tried to enroll university (not only for Cal but also all the UCs)? it makes me crazy since I discovered this a day before the notification. Thanks

any new update? I haven’t touched my withdraw button lmao

Nada. I will blame cal for my upcoming two hours of sleep.


I have no idea, can’t help you. Do you still have the “I no longer wish” message? Because at this point you’re probably either waitlisted or accepted, which means your app was good.

Mail them. Since either one both satisfies english r1b, you will be fine.

Yes I do have that message. I am concerning if they rescind my app. Even though ENGL-123 and ENGL-126 both satisfies english r1b, I made a mistake on my TAU.

Oh ok. Doesn’t sound like a fatal error. Some people get accepted without even finishing all their requirements.

I should mail the admission office and describe the mistake. Thanks!

not UCB related, but if I withdraw/don’t take the courses I had put PL on my app, would that affect my admission? They’re not major related courses if that matters and I have more than 60 units without them.

I went to berkeley’s virtual front desk n asked the exact same question. You should be fine, but do rmb to include that change once you have SIRed (apparently ull have to update ur courses again once u SIRed).

I asked if we could update it now, but she was like u can’t do it now. Do it after the decisions have come out.