UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

Any screenshot of e1?

Congrats on UCI and UCSB!!! They’re both great schools with great English departments, so you can’t go wrong with either department. I suggest you check out their upper-division courses and see if one school offers classes that seem more appealing to you than the other, and see what others say about the faculty on rate my professor!

UCI’s campus is way more beautiful than UCSB (JUST MY OPINION!!!) and is really close to Newport Beach. I’ve heard that UCI does a really great job of networking and helping students find leadership and internship opportunities on campus, which is super helpful for grad school. They also an awesome shopping center WITH IN-N-OUT across the street which is a big plus for me hahaha. I’m also obsessed with peter the anteater for some reason. He’s hands down the best mascot. I’ve heard from friends who attend Irvine that the campus is socially dead on weekends though. I don’t know any transfers so I’m not sure what the transfer culture is like.
I also have some friends who’ve transferred to UCSB say the students are super welcoming and friendly. Another advantage of UCSB is that housing is guaranteed for transfers for two years, and the options are really nice! The party scene seems to be more laid back for upperclassmen and there’s plenty of other ways to get involved if parties are not your thing. Poke around and see if there are any clubs or activities you like or if anything special catches your attention! They have affordable adventure passes that let students rent out paddleboards, kayaks, surfboards, etc for the year. There also some nearby hiking trails that lead to hot springs and scenic views and a cute historical downtown area. I personally love UCSB’s radio station KCSB and would love to be a part of it if I end up choosing the school. Both schools are phenomenal and offer great resources for students though.

ALSO try to visit the campuses if you can. They’ll probably be empty and sad looking rn, but you can at least get an idea of what the surrounding area and what it’ll be like to walk around school.

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Hey guys regarding the withdrawal prediction theory, yesterday I checked and the message where you are supposedly waitlisted appeared, now I checked 10 min ago and the message that says I am not authorized appears, which is the rejection one…??? Most freshmen have said that it is somewhat reliable but what even with 2 messages DD: i also literally have screenshots so it’s not just me being crazy.

Hi guys, I have been a lurker to this thread for months but decided to show up thanks to the glitch hype. From my suspect, if anyone has similar inspect like @halea41, it will more likely to be accepted. If you reveal all those hidden areas below the e_2 line in @halea41 pic, only “I will not come to Berkeley and wish to withdraw…” (or something like that I can’t remember word by word) will show up, which means an acceptance according to the UCB Class of 2025 Discussion.

If there are e1 to e5, it will be more likely to be a waitlist decision since it need more spaces to include “I wish to withdraw from further consideration…” or something like that.

Just my 2 cents. If @halea41 happens to get accepted tomorrow please let us know. :slight_smile: Just want to check my prediction.

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For the freshman’s it meant rejection. But the accepted and waitlisted folks also received their respective withdrawal options. We didn’t get anything other than unauthorized today, so the theory isn’t as reliable for us. Nothing is set in stone for now, keep hope alive.

Don’t tease me! I think everyone got the same thing so far. We’ll see tomorrow.

oh god I’m so stressed :frowning: but I wish luck to everyone tomorrow!

do you mean this?

Just expand the 3 lines below the e_2 and let us know what’s there if possible. But I still highly suspect that you will get in


they are e_4 and e_5 :neutral_face:

Just my prediction. If you get waitlisted, you may get accepted in the future, right? So e4 and e5 are there, but hidden, and will be revealed once the admission office decides that you will get in. If you are not, e1 e2 a3 are already revealed for you.

People with only 3 lines are more likely to get accepted if my theory was correct since those lines are only for accepted students.

Just my 2 cents don’t get stressed everyone ;;

I understand that last month for freshmen the waitlist had its own message. But would it be possible that they changed it so that authorized is also waitlist. Because when I look at the message currently it’s “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application” which is eerily similar to the acceptance message previously: “I will not come to Berkeley and wish to withdraw”

well when i look at my source code and click on as many lines as possible, i see both " i am no longer interested in attending" as well as “i will not attend UC Berkeley and understand that my deposit is nonrefundable”. so i think that they are def two different messages

Yeah I see that as well, but underneath that, there’s the message “RETIRED LINES” or something

deposit means you got accepted. Why UCB would ask for your deposit if you are not accepted?

Oh it says “RETIRED PROMPTS” so would those two messages previously be removed from this time?

Okay, when the click on the arrows:

E1 and e2: I am no longer interested
E3: retired
E4: I will not attend
E5: I will not attend, but we keep yo money

ok period thats what i have

my application just said “i am no longer interested in attending …” in the afternoon, and it just changed to “unauthorized” at night.
my stats:
gpa: 3.95
major: business admin (haas, and I got an interview from them)
applied to two schools: UCI (accepted) and UCB (unauthorized)