UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

I guess we can just wait, the glitch is causing a lot of confusion rn lol

true, i wish it had stayed as straightforward as the freshmen’s

GL fam!

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It turns out I have five lines

I have five lines as well, I think its the same for every one who didnt get unauthorized, I’m done speculating though its so tedious lmao

same here - i think i’ve done enough speculating/portal astrology for a lifetime LOL we’ll know our official decisions in less than 24 hours so hang in there guys and don’t give up hope! we’re in the final stretch and we got this <3


Yea I just read everything carefully again. Everyone who is not unauthorized will get the same five lines. At first I think there are only 3 lines since I only start to count the lines starting from the e2.

I think the confusion is foxxy is counting from e2, whereas we’re starting from e1.

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Yea that’s where we get confused

Anyone not have e4 and e5?

fun fact I guess? if you hit control+f and type in ‘authorized’, you can see an unauthorized-type message.

im thinking all applicants have all 5 e_whatever choices and the “you are not authorized” messages ready to go so theres really no knowing


sheesh we will really never know until decisions come out then i guess. good luck everyone!! im gonna go do some last minute manifestations<3

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I can’t sleep. It’s not even about prestige, it’s the most practical school for me with my work in Oakland. I guess Davis can work, but that would be a crappy drive every day haha.

If I applied as a business major and didn’t get an interview is it most likely I will be rejected? I have a 4.0 but idk if I have all my pre reqs

I don’t think anyone here got an interview

Someone above said they were a business major and got an interview

I’ve been rejected. Good luck to everyone else

Just to make the withdrawal glitch thing super clear:
Means nothing/your message hasnt been changed yet if you get this message: “I am not longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”
Means rejected if you get this message: “Our records indicate you are not authorized to submit this form”
Means waitlist if you get this message: “I wish to withdraw my application from further consideration.”
Means accepted if you get this message: “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application”


Oh, that’s probably very rare. They don’t have time to interview 20,000 people.

yeah i think they only did interviews for haas applicants

Some cases