UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

I’m thinking this same thing lmfaoo


Hi Everyone!

In anticipation of the exciting news that will be released today, I would like to invite anyone who is interested to come and attend a UC Berkeley Transfer Student Panel that will be hosted by the Associated Students of the University of California Office of the Transfer Representative today, April 23 from 1-2:30pm! The link to RSVP is here . We will be raffling out gift cards and all attendees will be entered to win! The expectation is that notifications should come out by 3pm on Friday (from historical precedent) so if you are wanting to get a glimpse of the career outcomes of some Cal alumni and mingle with current Cal Transfer students while you wait for decisions, come on by!

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For the first like three months, I checked my cal portal maybe three times just because I thought I didn’t stand a chance, but Cal poly blew up my ego and gave me hope for Berkeley so now I can’t stop checking. It would suck to get my first rejection/waitlist now haha.


you got in

I thought that was a massive, bloated leech for a second.


This is so exciting I think I’m gonna apply for colleges again next year for fun, while attending a university


for people who do inspect element you first clicked on the withdraw link right?

You highlight it first, and right click. Be careful

Oh yeah, click on the withdraw link, then highlight “I am no longer interested…”

■■■■■ I WAS GONNA DO THIS TOO. I was like dang, I wonder if I could get into Stanford or something.

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And then what are we supposed to see after that? Quite lost

Honestly, I wouldn’t touch that page. Not worth the risk. HTML forms usually submit themselves when you press the enter key, and you could fill in the checkbox by accident when inspecting it. It’s a minefield.

Edit: I guess you could turn off your network connection, but I don’t trust Chrome not to cache browser interactions. IDK.

When you do that, it’ll highlight the prompt, and you should also see the other prompts. But don’t sweat it, we’re so close to decision. As long as you have “I’m not longer” you should be still in the run, theoretically. Just wait it out lest you accidentally withdraw

this is what happens when you check the box
I dont think itd be valid if you didnt type in “CONFIRM”

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Dude! Don’t do that! Lol. Just wait three more hours.

Oh damn how did you even have the courage to click that!


Seriously, get out of that page!

Who’s rejected? Like if you’re still unauthorized