UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

The biggest red flag for me regarding unauthorized is a single mom with kids working full time and maintained 3.8 got unauthorized. Unless she somehow not talked about that in her essay, she’s exactly the reason why a holistic admission was created.



It also could be that this time around Berkeley knew about this, since freshmen talked about it so much. They purposely mixed the two.


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Hey, anything’s possible

Some people have “I am no longer in interested in coming…” and some “I am no longer interested in attending…” As far I Know. And of course, there are some “Unauthorized…” Ones.

people have “I am no longer in interested in coming…” ?

nah i don’t think so

I think read somewhere… Maybe reddit.

Maybe I’m wrong…

I don’t think the freshman’s ever revealed what the official waitlist message was. The whole time they were talking about it, they said it was “I wish to withdraw from further consideration”, without the “I’m no longer interested.”

I got “I am no longer interested…”. I had a fire essay tho.

I’m not sure. They consider GPA until summer right?

no till spring

What are your guys stats for those who got the I am no longer interested message

One more hour!


longest hour in my life

By the end of Summer 2020: 3.875
By the end of Fall 2020: 3.826
I applied for Cog. Sci
California Community College Student
I have a job
TAP Student
Living by myself in the US.


It feels like when a roller coaster is just about to Climb to do it’s first descent and you get second thoughts and wanna get off


I literally cant concentrate, im so nervous.