UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

Philosophy major, got in!!!


Major: Media Studies
GPA: 4.0 One D which was cancelled out because of repeat in 3A
International CA CCC
“I am not able” message

Rejected: UCSB, UCI

Essays were garbage but I had a very unique experience.

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Not authorized rejected

Econ 4.0 rejected
not authorized message

me lol

Major: Philosophy
Stats: 3.9
“I am no longer interested…”

Is anyone gonna appeal?

Major: Political Science
GPA: 4.0
Status: Accepted

Major: Cognitive Science
Stats: 3.82
“I am no longer interested…”
GUYS!!! Why I have been accepted for Spring 2022??? I applied for Fall 2021…

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free vacation!

I got in!
3.76, molec bio, status: i am no longer interested in attending uc berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.


anyone know how to write waitlist essays

rejected, econ 4.0
not authorized

Rejected, 4.0 GPA history major
I had the “you are not authorized” message
gonna appeal like crazy!

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Applied to Environmental Econ & Policy

GPA: 3.92
Never checked the withdraw message

i’m a communication major but applied as a sociology major since they do not have communication at berkeley. maybe they saw through that even though i finished all the lower division courses for a sociology major

Can anyone tell me how appeals work?

if you got rejected, click on the link at the bottom of the page and it’ll have an area that says “what about appeals” and you can submit an appeal until may 15th

mechanical engineering
gpa: 3.91

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3.9 GPA
applied business management, I lost my middle finger 2 years ago and I am algerian… I thought Berkeley was holistic.