UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

is anyone here a sociology major and what the chance of getting it?

Im currently enrolled and did not get an email either I have a 3.7 Spanish major, all prereqs have been completed. Hoping its not bad news for us.

I am a current CC student concurrently taking coursework at Cal, I did not get an email saying anything was extended but now I can no longer access calcentral. hoping I did not get rejected, I am very competitive for my major.

After panicking for 20 min I may be wrong, but this seems to only be a message if your Calcentral/email has expired, I have not seen a case of this where a concurrent student got this message since their email/Calcentral was still in use and thus had not expired by that point in time. Wow, these next 5 days will be rough.

Please let me know if any concurrent students whose emails are not yet expired got an email indicating similar things to students who took previous summer sessions! Thank you guys.

I have a friend who took summer in 2018. He didn’t get any email for his cal address but got accepted in 2019. If the email were an indicator, ppl should have way more discussions about this in the past. I only got an ad on January saying some online courses opportunities whatever, nothing relevant

Well it’s not just that, my email is not yet set to expire and I have never got an email telling me it would expire. I think that message about deactivation was only sent to those whose emails have expired or are not currently taking coursework at Berkeley. Thanks for the kind words though! I would hope I get in all major prep done, above the top 25% average gpa for my major.

I thought the freshman withdraw glitch happened the night before decisions came out? I can’t find any mention of it before then on CC. Did someone originally post it on Reddit earlier or something?

Hey all! Has anyone heard any updates as to when regents might come out? How many transfers get it?

Hi Everyone!

I can only imagine the mixture of excitement and nervousness ya’ll might be feeling now. I was in your exact same situation last year; checking for updates constantly and dreading/yearning for a response that seemed to be eternally prolonged.

I transferred in from Riverside City College and, to my great surprise, was offered the Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship Award here at Cal. If you are wondering when those decisions will be made, if you are selected, you will be notified before the SIR deadline(I was notified two weeks prior to the SIR deadline). The Regents’ Scholarship at Cal is only awarded to the top 1-2% of incoming students and of that 1-2% only about 100 or so transfer students are selected.

In anticipation of the exciting news that will be released this week, I would like to invite anyone who is interested to come and attend a UC Berkeley Transfer Student Panel that will be hosted by the Associated Students of the University of California Office of the Transfer Representative this Friday April 23 from 1-2:30pm! The link to RSVP is here. We will be raffling out gift cards and all attendees will be entered to win! The expectation is that notifications should come out by 3pm on Friday (from historical precedent) so if you are wanting to get a glimpse of the career outcomes of some Cal alumni and mingle with current Cal Transfer students while you wait for decisions, come on by!

Also, if you are interested in being a part of our Transfer Student Newsletter, you can opt in here. Feel free to share this post with other potential transfer students and as always, Fiat Lux and GO BEARS!


If anyone notices the same glitch as the freshman please let everyone know, if it occurs I think it should be within the next 24 hours based on the information we have from the other threads.


I don’t think we’ll have it tbh but if we do i’m either waitlisted or its not up yet haha

do you guys know how much the classes you’re taking in spring matter in decisions?

Spring 2021 classes will matter only regarding completion of any prerequisites that can be completed at the CCC. If one is trying to complete several prereqs this spring, that might be held against the applicant.

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are you sure about this? I am taking 5 courses right now and 3 of them are finishing up pre reqs, and 2 of them are honors to finish my honors program

I actually asked a counselor about this last year, and she said that the UCs do seem to prefer students who have all pre-reqs taken in the Fall semester prior to transfer. However, I do know of people with 2-3 pre-reqs in progress that have gotten in.

yeah, they prefer for students to have their prereqs completed asap but they will not hold it against you when evaluating your admission.

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I’ve been thinking about the transfer gpa stats for CS for Berkeley and obv it is super hard to get into and I was expecting UCB to have an admit range of 3.90-4.00 like UCLA but it says 3.67-3.97 (Transfers by major | University of California). Does anyone know why this is? I have a 3.85 and the stats make me confident but scared at the same time (sorry if this has been asked before)

Berkeley is known to review applications in a more holistic fashion than the other UCs, apparently. UCLA gives much more weight to overall GPA than Berkeley.


UC Berkeley usually has higher overall submitted gpa, sat, act. Maybe they focus more on freshman’s and a little more lenient with transfers.

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