UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Waitlist Thread

fr?? ugh yeah idk why they won’t just tell us instead of making us wait even longer for the decision.

did all the freshman who heard that get rejected? or did any get accepted at all???

From what I’ve gathered on the UCB Freshmen thread and data from ZeeMee, I’ve only seen rejections thus far. Still early but idk man this admission year has been so incredibly sloppy :confused: I get why but it just seems in bad form (re: cruel) to draw this out for so long

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Yep, got the same email as you all. Last year Berkeley decision for waitlisted transfers was July 24th… Guess we got some more waiting to do. Hang in there y’all and good wishes.

I got the same email

Good wishes to everyone! I hope someone on this thread or anywhere gets off soon!

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at this point do y’all think anyone admitted off the waitlist would be admitted for spring 2022? the end of july would bring us to like… 3 weeks before the start of the school year

honestly i don’t think anyone will be admitted off the waitlist because i’ve seen from past threads that every time they extend the waitlist, everyone just gets rejected a month later. but yea probably if anyone is admitted off, it’ll be for spring

that’s what i noticed from past threads too, it just seems strange that literally nobody has gotten any news by now though… good or bad. i’m still holding out some hope bc i don’t want to believe they’d have us waiting for nothing even if they do only admit a handful of students.

I am lurking in the UCB’s thread and someone says that he contacted the AO and the AO said that there was only one wave released before July 1st, but I highly doubt the accuracy of that info because nobody in the entire uc thread has reported being taken off the wl. I either do not know anybody admitted after July in the 2020 thread, but it seems weird that they do not offer admissions for the wl people and still extending the wl. They can just end the waitlist as early as like they did in 2019

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unless everyone that’s been admitted coincidentally had no social media i don’t believe that either. this is is so frustrating.

From the email I received yesterday, it seems like the spaces are already full because they said " more spaces maybe available in the coming weeks", and I personally think more spaces mean people taking a gap year or some international students unable to attend the class in person next semester. BTW, do you know anyone who gets in after July 1st in 2020?

my post sounds salty af. don’t want to kill the vibe. best of luck to you all transfer fam! its been a doozy lol

It seems like UCB has given out final decision to freshmen wl students yesterday? And a lot of got rejected. If there is no space left, why keeps us waiting

Does anyone know if a handful people really got off the wl at the very end in the last few years?

At this point I think it’s going to be either spring admission or rejection.


i saw a post on reddit and some students also mentioned other ucs have extended their waitlist until the end of july not just cal. so hopefully that provides you guys with some extra hope! it could just be the entire uc system in general is overwhelmed at the moment

(wrong thread deleted)

By the way, does anybody here for economics?

Someone said that UCI has officially ended their waitlist, maybe we can get ours sooner.

has there really still been no news at all? damn, what a shame. this is getting really annoying. why were we the ones w the hard may 15th deadline to opt in if they weren’t even going to be transparent with us in the first place? i have no idea how admissions works in terms of over-enrollment or yield rates but regardless this is super unfair to all of us.