UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Waitlist Thread

I literally don’t know but what I want to say is that when I was in my freshman admission, I submitted the deposit to UCSD but finally decided to go to another college, and everything seems fine to me. In my vp, I don’t think you will be on the “blacklist” or if you were, you will probably be on the blacklist for a temporary time because I know most universities don’t hold the applicants records forever.

no there is nothing bad about withdrawing your SIR, the only thing is that you will lose the $250 deposit. ucla won’t hold it against you, but you should def SIR first because you do not know for sure if you will get off the waitlist

i have my essay done but honestly so many people have been giving me their feedback and like i keep changing it to a point where it won’t even be my own writing anymore:( i’m totally overthinking it

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Thank you! I was kinda worried about it lol

Thanksss! That’s helpful!

i submitted mine the day we got our decisions! i didn’t think too much about it tbh and wanted to get em over with asap lol

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Anyone get any ideas on essays? What content would you guys want to add in essays?

i basically did the same thing. i haven’t officially submitted yet bc i’m waiting on a friend to look over it but i just wrote about how i want to be a teacher and how cal is the ideal place for me to study. their history program is one of the best in the country (which is my major) so i just emphasized why that would be the ideal choice and how my experiences already teaching have prepared me to succeed as a student

i think that’s what would hurt the essays in the end :confused: i feel like i’m trying really hard too especially since 500 words really isn’t enough to fit everything in (in my opinion). and with covid going on for the past year school’s been online so i feel bad about not being able to list any new achievements or extracurriculars since i submitted my apps in november. i just talked about my passion for teaching and how cal is the best place for me to pursue that as a career. i tried to make it sound as compelling as possible lol

Honestly, everyone’s feedback is nice to have but don’t sacrifice your authentic voice to cater to what other people think. That’s probably the best advice I received from my UC Berkeley TAP advisor, and it still stands true for the waitlist. I remember stressing about not adding every detail and at the end, I chose what I wanted to tell them… and I got in! Best of luck to you (and everyone on the waitlist!) and if you’re feeling stressed, just leave it for a little to let it sink in. You got this!

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did this show up in yalls portal too after opting in to the waitlist ?

Just submitted. It doesn’t show up on my portal :thinking:

Oh, I have it now :joy:

Data Science Major, IGETC completed 3.9 GPA/ 3.97 major GPA
attended CC for 1 year dropped out of a 4-year institution.
Good Ec: Internship and volunteer work
good essays
Not really sure why I was waitlisted, but it’s better than a rejection.

Hi Nordaz
That makes two of us from the same college and for the same major
best of luck!

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man we waited so long for regular decisions to come out and now we gotta wait like a whole ass nother month for waitlist decisons:( the waitlisted freshmen have not even heard back yet

the first wave of freshmen waitlist decisions came out today at 3pm! also, this is what an advisor said in the live chat today

closer to July? oh nooo, wish they can release earlier🙃

Major: Applied Mathematics; IGETC Completed
GPA: 3.95
EC: None
PIQs: meh

why did a ton of applied math majors get waitlisted lol