UC Berkeley Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

Didn’t see one of these yet so I thought I would make one :smiley: Good luck with applications everyone! Let me know if I left anything out

IGETC status:

School Type:
Income Bracket:
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
Where else did you apply/TAG?:


Major: Statistics
GPA: 4.0
Extracurriculars (main ones):

*Honors research project; don’t want to get into too much detail but I worked with my criminology professor and used a lot of stats and data science in the context of crime analysis
*president and founder of statistics and data science club
*math tutor all throughout college
*guided pathway student leader: helped in coming up with ways/incentives for community college students to make an ed plan before registering for classes their first semester
*data (sports) analyst intern this past summer

IGETC status: only one class left for spring
pre-major classes status: finished everything last summer. Am also taking data8 at one of only 2 or 3 cc’s that offer it right now

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International? In-state
School Type: CCC
Income Bracket: >100,000
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): i think essays are overall ok
Where else did you apply/TAG?: Most UC’s for statistics and TAG to davis (also for stats)

gl everyone


Major: Cognitive Science
GPA: 3.4, hopefully I can bring it up to 3.5
Extracurriculars: Part time job
IGETC status: Completed after fall semester

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International?: In state
School Type: California community college
Income Bracket: middle class
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): idk
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCSD, UCI, UCSB, UCLA


Major: Philosophy
GPA: 3.7
Extracurriculars: concert stagehand, muralist, I have a custom shoe business, honors transfer program member
IGETC status: 1 more science class, taking in Winter term
Major pre-reqs status: done

Gender: Female
In-state/OOS/International?: In state
School Type: Community college
Income Bracket: Middle class
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): unique ECs/essays but nothing major-related, got a B in a major pre-req class and C in stats. hoping to get my GPA up to 3.8 after fall
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCLA, UCSB (TAG), maybe UCSC


this is actually me reapplying after deciding not to transfer to ucsd this fall.

Major: applied math
GPA: idk like a 3.6
Extracurriculars: multiple transfer programs between my cc and cal, space sciences research internship at uc berkeley ssl this past summer, a couple of nasa programs, activity coordinator for my cc’s electrical engineering club, head of hacker experience for girls who code at berkeley, and a mentorship for cc students w physical sciences majors to work with ucb grad students
IGETC status: completed and associate’s in math done

Gender: nonbinary
In-state/OOS/International?: instate, berkeley, ca
School Type: california community college (berkeley city college)
Income Bracket: middle class
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): im nonbinary, mexican, ive done a lot of work with uc berkeley and have taken two classes there too, underrepresented in STEM
Where else did you apply/TAG?: ucla, ucsd, TAG to ucsc, stanford, usc, and occidental

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Major: Psychology
GPA: 4.0
Extracurriculars: (average)

*successful youtube channel related to major
*psych club 1 year
*spoke at a treatment program about personal experience

IGETC status: will be done by end of spring
prereq: missing quite a few for Berkeley, will mostly be done by the end of spring but if i choose Berkeley, i will have courses i must finish during the first semester

Gender: female
In-state/OOS/International?: in state
School Type: ccc
Income Bracket: >100,000
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCD, UCSD, UCLA

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Major: Art his
GPA: 4.0
art club
art in galleries
won art contests
volunteering experience
deans list etc
IGETC status: will be done by the end of spring 2022

Gender: female
In-state/OOS/International?: California
School Type: community college
Income Bracket: middle class
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): good and unique essays (IMO), relevant extracurriculars etc
Where else did you apply/TAG?: ucla, uc Irvine (tag), ucsd

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hey if u dont mind me asking, what’s your yt channel called? I’d love to check it out!

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y’all got this right

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yeah. cal sends this to all applying students. I got this freshman year too

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Major: Media Studies
GPA: 3.8
Extracurriculars: Work
IGETC status: Yes

Gender: F
In-state/OOS/International?: In State (So- Cal)
School Type: Community College
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): A little scared because I have all A’s but one B and got 1 C in the fall of 2021 ):
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCB, UCSD, UCI, UCD, UCSD, CSUF, CSULB, SDSU, Slo

Does anyone know how competitive the media studies major is? I haven’t heard too much. Good luck to everyone!!

From the UC Transfer GPA by major link: Transfers by major | University of California

Media studies at UCB 2020 data:
Applied: 638
Admitted: 191
Admit Rate: 30%
Admit GPA range: 3.66-3.92


Hello! My name is Emily!

Major: Cognitive Science
GPA: 4.0

  • Research! (attended a few conferences at UCI and at my local community college)
  • Research and Opportunities Team Member in the Honors Program at my community college
  • Member of Psi Beta
  • Member of Phi Theta Kappa
  • Honors Program Student
  • Sales Lead at a retail store that I’ve been working at for the past 3 years.
    IGETC status: Will be getting my certificate soon!

Gender: Female
In-state/OOS/International?: In state
School Type: California community college
Where else did you apply/TAG?: TAG Davis (got in)
Applied to: UCLA, UCSD, USC

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Hi! Has anyone received the Haas supplemental application in their portal? Thanks!

Major: Pure Mathematics
GPA: 4.0

  • Member of Phi Theta Kappa
  • Member of Honors College
  • Boys’ State Recipient (Junior Year, 2020)
  • Worked Part Time
  • Built a Trading Bot
  • Built a Crypto Currency Miner


  • High GPA
  • IGETC & Math 55 completed by Spring 2022
  • All ASSIST Classes completed
  • Completed all academic requirements in one academic year (Graduated HS in 2021)

Gender: Male (wasn’t sure if this mattered or not though)
Status: In-State, Bay Area CCC
Where Else did you apply? All UCs except Riverside and Merced

Also I’m not sure why it replied to the other post; I didn’t mean to do that.

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Major: Cognitive Science

GPA: 4.0

Extracurriculars: Work as a medical scribe in the emergency department, volunteer at a nursing home, took an EMT course and became certified this summer, CHEM-UNITY club publicity director, AAPI club treasurer, filmmaking as a hobby (wrote and directed a short film this summer), UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentorship Program, UCLA CCCP Scholars Program, CC Honors Program

IGETC status: Completed

Gender: Male

In-state/OOS/International?: In-state

School Type: California Community College

Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): 1-year transfer (started CC in summer of 2021; took 11 units this summer, 21 this fall, taking 23 this spring), completed every single requirement for Cognitive Science except COG SCI 1 before transfer

Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCLA (TAP), UCI (Honors to Honors), UCSB (TAG), UCD

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Could you share your GPA and extracurricular activities?

I have maintained 4.0 GPA, took math 55 at Berkeley and got an A during the summer session, did independent research in real analysis with my community college professor(we call it research but it’s basically just introduction to analysis class that is not transferrable. Because community colleges do not offer real analysis classes I just studied it with my professor and got credit but it’s not transferrable) and worked as a math TA for one semester.

I am not sure if my stat is good enough to be admitted…

For 2021, the Transfer GPA admit range was 3.79-4.00 with an admit rate of 31%. I would say you are a solid and competitive applicant.

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I’m a transfer instead freshman applicant sorry to bother. Just wondering if anyone have ever heard any rejections toward tap students yet? I’m not confident with my low gpa at all(3.65) got 7 Bs and one C throughout my college courses, and my only relevant ecs with my major are work expericens in clinics and MD’s office. My essays are 7 or 8/10 I’ll say had some help from a few ppl. I applied for Rausser College of Natural Resourses with microbial bio. Anyone could help a lil would be much appreciated!