UC Berkeley Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

although TAP students at cal usually have a high gpa in order to be in the program, i do not think there is any advantage in admissions (such as the advantage TAP students at ucla have) other than helping with the application. so there are probably plenty of TAP rejections every year but idk

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Major: Computer Science L&S
GPA: 3.74
Extracurriculars: Leadership position in a CS club and I own an online business
IGETC status: Not complete

In-state/OOS/International?: In state
School Type: CC
Income Bracket:
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): First Gen, solid essays
Where else did you apply/TAG?: All UCs except Merced, TAG to Riverside


Im also a 2021 high school graduate. How were you able to finish IGETC? I’m a bioengineering transfer and have a few more pre-reqs rip. Nice job though. Definitely interested in knowing your results!

I’m a 2021 high school graduate and I finished a majority of my IGETC through AP credit. It allowed me to finish it already by the end of Fall 2021!

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Given the new supreme court ruling, is this basically game over for an OOS/International transfer like me?

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as per this screenshot, it does look like cal will prioritize CA residents


Has any transfer student received a Regents Scholarship invite yet?

Unlike Freshman, transfers are automatically considered for Regents at UCB so no invite.

Automatically considered.
Amount: $2,500 a year.
Approximately 200 ultimately receive the Regents (culled from freshmen and transfers).
Notifications sent a few weeks after admittance

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So there isn’t any application process for transfers? No interview?

No. Advanced standing (transfer) candidates are considered for the award in early May via admissions file review by the Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, and Financial Aid.


Major: Media Studies
GPA: 4.0
Extracurriculars: 3 jobs 1 internship
IGETC status: Yes

In-state/OOS/International?: instate
School Type: CCC
Income Bracket:
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
Where else did you apply/TAG?:

Hi everyone,

I was looking on threads on here from last year’s applications, and there was a glitch in the system that was seemingly 100% accurate last year that allowed users to see if they got in or not via viewing the source code on the withdrawal application page on map @ berkeley ( lf you look up 'portal astrology uc berkeley, the threads to the topic should come up )

I was just wondering what you guys can see if you click the withdrawal application page, get to the source code (option, command, U for mac users) and then scroll down? The phrase “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.” is on the page of the source code for me and I’m just curious if that is on everybody’s or not.

hey so when we did this last year, our portals didnt change to the glitches until a couple days before so everybody’s should be the same rn until we’re really close to decision date

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Haas '21 admit here.

Ditto, you’ll know about 36 hours beforehand by “previewing” the page on Safari with a long-click.

Otherwise there is no telling.

Hi guys, just curious if anyone received request for sending transcript to AO. I’m confused cuz I thought they would request transcript after admission decision (They even requested transcript from my summer school)(I’m an international student studying in PA so I know my chance is slim).

I know some people who received that. Just make sure to send it in before the deadline and you’ll be good!

yup i received request back in december and normally its either a random check or if you have attended several different schools, they want to confirm all your academic history

Goodluck to everyone!

I have submitted everything, thank you!