UC Berkeley Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

I received the request recently, which is after the fall grade update, so I’m confused. I guess I just have too many credits

What do you mean you have too many credits?

don’t worry you can’t have too many credits if you only have CC credit and/or ap credit

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I’m a sophomore with 96 credits and 12 in-progress ones, no AP

Do you go to a CCC?

A Top50 School in PA

Do you have any upper-division course credit? If you do, you might not be eligible to get in

I think unless you are in a california community college they cap the number of credits you can have. I would contact an admissions officer and ask.

I would say probably 3? But UCs are not friendly to out-of-state transfers so I’m quite relaxed about it

Haha I did but they didn’t provide much clear info. I’m also applying for schools like NYU Emory, and they don’t care about overqualify of credits as long as I spend two whole years there

Ah, ok. Hope it doesn’t negatively affect your chances!

UC high unit transfer limits:

Junior Standing: 80-89 UC-transferrable semester units
Senior Standing: 90 or more UC-transferrable semester units

UCB does admit some high unit Junior and Senior transfers but very dependent upon major capacity.

You’re not in jeopardy at all if you only have CC units though right?

Edit: It seems to be that all lower division units get sliced off at 70 units. Then any UC, UC Extension, and any other form of upper division units get added to the 70?

Correct, CC units are capped at 70 semester units.


  1. Lower division units beyond the maximum for which credit is awarded will be granted subject credit and may be used to satisfy requirements.
  2. Units earned through AP, IB, and/or A-Level examinations are not included in the limitation and do not put applicants at risk of being denied admissions.
  3. Lower or upper division units earned at UC (Extension, summer, cross/concurrent, UC-EAP, and regular academic year enrollment) are added to the maximum lower division credit allowed and might put applicants at risk of being denied admission due to excessive units.

Thank you! I’m studying 2 majors and 1 minor. If they only consider the major that I’m applying for, and cut off some credits that could not be transferred, then I should be good.

(I’m really just rolling the dice, didn’t expect any of the UCs to accept me since I’m neither CC student nor in-state student)

@Gumbymom I’m a media studies major and realized I have 2/3 pre reqs done. How is that going to affect my acceptance?

Will you have all the pre-req courses completed by spring? Are the remaining courses required or recommended?

Major: Computer Science L&S
GPA: 3.9
Extracurriculars: work full time, relevant Internship exp.
IGETC status: Finishing this spring

Gender: M
In-state/OOS/International?: In state
School Type: CC
Income Bracket: low
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): First Gen, solid essays
Where else did you apply/TAG?: All UCs(except Merced, Riverside, & SF), CPP, SJSU, Fullerton.
So far accepted to CPP, SJSU, Fullerton, and UCSC

This is what the UC Berkely website says, “You may apply to Media Studies only after you have completed Media Studies 10 for a letter grade. In addition, you must have completed at least two of the remaining three prerequisites. The fourth prerequisite may be in progress at the time of your application; it must be successfully completed by the end of that term”

I completed Media Studies 10 and I took a couple courses under Introductory Social Sciences and Humanities category. So I don’t have the other two pre reqs. Now I realized I only did 1 pre req.

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Anyone else applying from OOS?