UC Berkeley Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

Major: Business Administration
GPA: 3.87

Extracurriculars: Work part time, 1 internship, clubs

IGETC status: Completed

Gender: Male

In-state/OOS/International?: In-State

School Type: California Community College

Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): 1-year transfer (did a few CC classes during HS as dual enrollment) took 19 units this summer, 21 in the fall, 20 as of spring, completed IGETC. Bit worried about my GPA as I got a B when I was taking the CC course in HS. First-gen student

Where else did you apply/TAG?: UC Davis (TAG), UC Irvine

Also curious if anyone was requested for a video interview from Haas? I’m wondering if it’s a good thing?

I also applied to Haas, and this year all applicants were invited for a video interview.

10 days guys!!! Good luck everyone!


Hey, guys! Want to talk to people while waiting for our results? Join our UC Transfers Discord! Discord

hi everyone. i do not want to cause any undue panic but i just got off a call with a representative for Berkeley admissions and i was told that decisions will come out April 15th, which is 2 days from now! I cannot confirm the information but i did ask the rep twice to confirm that i heard right and i am certain that that’s what the rep said.


Who did you talk to? The office of admission is closed on Wednesdays???


If you look at the Berkeley contact website, you can see that there’s a rep help desk on zoom

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oh okay, thank you for clarifying! This is so nerve-wracking.

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can u call and clarify idk if the other guy is a ■■■■■

Does it really matter. Just wait 2 days and see lol.

I have a feeling that the rep was mistaken since cal sent out an email about releasing it on the 22nd but who knows


wait so when should we start checking the withdrawal thing?

on the day of

Tomorrow , decisions will be released ?

no they won’t


I could’ve sworn that the portal used to say that decisions would be released on 4/22. Now, it says on or before 4/22. I’m willing to bet they’ll come out before.

i mean i don’t know if decisions will be released tomorrow, but just wanted to say that the portal always said on or before 4/22

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I’m 99% sure it said on 4/22 when I was checking a few or two ago, since I had internalized that was when they’d be sent out. Why else would they make that change?

It always said “on or before,” I’ve checked it every day since applying lol


it always said on or before lmao