UC Berkeley Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

So if a message on a withdrawal form is

unauthorized → rejected
I will not be coming… → waitlisted
I am no longer interested in… → accepted?

i don’t think anybody’s portal says “i will not be coming,” when they click on the withdraw application button, but i could be wrong. i think the only two options are that if you have unauthorized, then its a rejection, and if you have “i am no longer interested,”, then it means you are ether waitlisted or accepted

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When decision will released ?

last year they were released around 3 !

sounds like nordaz is saying that he has the “I will not be coming” message last year (waitlisted) and this year too. “last year i had the i will not come to ucb message and got waitlisted so i ended up staying at cc an extra year. im getting the same message again so hopefully i actually got in this time”

nah im saying it’s the same for everyone, regardless of acceptance or waitlist. so my withdrawal page currently says i’m not longer interested in attending ucb and wish to withdraw my app

ahh gotcha, my bad

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I don’t think you guys are right, because I had the withdraw option like two days ago, now its says unauthorized. I also applied last year, and everybody got the same thing. It’s your FAQ that will say Admitted Students or rejected.

Plus we are going to find out tomorrow anyways!

no, the withdrawal method doesn’t change until like the night before decision date so everyone’s withdrawal was available until tonight when they started changing based off your decisions. last year they were not all the same, everyone had either unauthorized or able to access their withdrawal and or was pretty accurate to the decisions


That means you have been rejected


thats a rejexct :frowning:

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oh well

where can we check the FAQ trick?

I think that was actually for waitlist. I forgot to mention that. I was waitlisted last year, and you knew if you go off the waitlist if your FAQ said admitted students.

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Wow! My partner (who was waitlisted at UCSC and rejected from UCSB today) still has the withdraw page active. So excited as he has been really down/low about his options. Hopefully it’s an acceptance but a waitlist is certainly a big win for us at this point!!!


Anyone got the same thing?

Mine is different lol

you can check the box