UC Berkeley Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Starting a Transfer discussion thread for Fall 2023 applicants. I wish you all best on transferring, and good luck! :grin:

IGETC status:

School Type:
Income Bracket:
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
Where else did you apply/TAG?:


[Preface Question: is there a separate thread for class of 2025 UCB transfer applicants? I did not find it]
We have family friends. Their son is 15. He got his GED and is now at community college, and has completed requirements to be eligible for Jr. transfer to a UC. The reason for completely skipping HS had to do with his involvement with a prestigious ballet program which (apparently) will land him in a big company in NY or Europe/UK. (in other words he’s doing ballet from 1-5pm every day so unable to attend high school)

So again: Barely 15 years old. Didn’t finish Middle School. Zero days of HS. GED completed. 4.00 GPA at community college. All transfer requirements done. Elite ballet pedigree. Applying for an unimpacted L&S major at UCB. A good student for sure, but definitely not some kind of savant/wunderkind in the classroom. Very involved parents to get him to this position.

What am I missing? Is there any chance that Cal would let him in as Junior? I have a kid at Cal now who I consider to be very book smart, and he is 18. And next year he’d be BEHIND this incoming 15 year old in grade level.

It sounds like he has done academically really well whenever he has had an opportunity. And in that context he might be a very competitive candidate. I also think he might be interesting to a school like Stanford that tries to construct a class of unique kids.

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I have a 4.0 GPA and have completed 86 semester credits at a community college and a 4-year private university in 1 year. My goal is Berkeley at UCB. Major is CS.
I knew it wouldn’t be easy, so I took UC summer school credits, UC Continuing Education Certificate Program in Computer Data (with credits), and I also took concurrent specialized classes in Computer Discrete Math, Data Structures, Algorithm Design, Calculus 3, and Computer Graphics at a private university. But there is no way for me to finish the course on differential equations in MATH54 in the spring. Although I sent a message to UC indicating that I will finish this part in summer.
But it is not a complete academic path, will UCb reject me for that?

Major: CS
GPA: 4.0
Extracurricular Activities: Presidential Award, Programming Assistant, 2 conference papers published, technology patents
IGETC Status: Completed in the fall

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International? : In-state
Type of school: CC+ 4 year private university
Income level: 70,000
Other (strengths, weaknesses, advantages, etc.): homeschool student with GED,started college at age 15
Where else did you apply/TAG? : UCB/UCLA/UCSD/UCI(TAG )

I signed up for differential equations in the spring and MATH54’s needs were met.

My daughter’s stats

Major: history
GPA: 3.83
Extracurriculars: work 20-30 hours/week
IGETC status: all met end of spring 2023

Gender: female
In-state/OOS/International?: in-state
School Type: CCC

What is the estimated date when transfers will get decisions? Trying to figure out if my daughter gets in how we will visit before the CSU May 1 deadline. Thanks! @Gumbymom

Saw someone on Berkeley reddit say they got their decision early. Are they lying or does Berkeley do this sometimes. I can’t link anything or post screenshots on here

UCB admitted some Freshman applicants early in February but I have not heard if any transfers getting early admits.

Thank you

Major: Computer Science
Alt Major ( second choice ): Data Science
GPA: 3.95
Extracurriculars: Not many
IGETC status: Certified

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International?: In State
School Type: CC
Income Bracket: Middle Income
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCSC (TAG), UCB, UCI, UCM, UCSD, UCD, UCSB, CalPoly SLO
Accepted: UCR ( Data Science Honors and got Regents ), SJSU ( Computer Science )

Hello guys. Hope you are doing well. I am a student at USC, but trying to transfer to UCB. I am a pre-med, and I have been working so hard this past two years. Here are my stats. Let me know if you have any questions.
Major: Biological Sciences
GPA: 4.0
Alternate Major: Biological Sciences
#of pre-requisites completed by Fall prior: All of them
Clinical Research Assistant at UCSD School of Medicine Orthopedics Department(published a paper and presented it at Western Medical Research Conference).
Department Coordinator and hospital scholar at COPE SCHOLARS MLKCH(soon will be 280 hrs)
Hospital volunteer indirect patient interaction(220 hrs)
Background acting in movies and shows(Babylon movie and two HBO shows)
Director of Presentation at USC Vision for Vision Club
Summer Health Profession Education program(SHPEP)

IGETC status: Completed
Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International: In-state(USC)
School Type: USC Private School
Other (strengths, weaknesses, hooks,): I stayed consistent with everything I did. This pre-med journey is very hard guys, but if you stay strong and stay motivated you can do it. I hope UC’s do not reject me because I go to USC and not a CC, but let’s hope for the best. Wish you all best of luck, and let me know if you have any questions.

Major: Political Science

GPA: 3.9

Extracurriculars: I work in a job unrelated to my major; family responsibilities; VP of the senate for student government; Co-President of the Social Justice Club; Berkeley Transfer Alliance Project; Humanities Mellon Scholar; Cal Law Pathway Scholar

IGETC status: Complete at the end of Spring 2023

Gender: Female

In-state/OOS/International?: In state

School Type: CCC

Income Bracket: Low income

Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): As part of Berkeley TAP (Transfer Alliance Project), I was invited to SEP (Summer Enrichment Program) where I could take summer classes at Berkeley for free. I signed up, but dropped my class because my dad suffered another medical emergency and needed open heart surgery. I had to work full-time to pay bills and take care of my younger siblings. I did explain this, but hopefully it doesn’t sound like just excuses.

Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCD, UCLA, UCSB, San Francisco State, SJSU, San Diego State, and Cal Poly SLO

I saw some people on Reddit who said they got early decision…is that something that usually happens?

Come join the Berkeley Transfer server to get advice or feedback from current transfer students here: discord [dot] gg [slash] MBVSP773AS

Remove the brackets and replace with . and /

Anyone knows if ucb portal astrology works to transfer now?



Can you guys access the withdraw page on your portal?