UC Berkeley Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

You cannot appeal while on the waitlist. You need to be denied to appeal a decision. Follow the instructions to opt into the waitlist. For Freshman, UCB got rid of the waitlist essay so you need to check if they will allow you to upload documents while on the waitlist this year as a Transfer.

3.88 English

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Rejected with a 4.0 and all prereqs completed for CS

Hi. Do you mind asking if you took the Physics series, Discrete MAth, and COMSC 61A/B/C equivalents? Thanks

Yes I did

The reminders now yet to release are: UCSB, UCSD, & UCLA!

Thank you. That’s tough. You did everything. Good luck.

Rejected Economics 3.95 GPA - too many units!

Accepted English 3.7, though I think it was my essays that got me in.

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Hello, did anyone get admitted as a UC to UC transfer?

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Accepted Applied Math 3.95 GPA!

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yes! 3.88 Neurobiology/MCB


D21 accepted in History. 4.0, in honors program at her CC. She got into SD and Riverside as well. Waiting on SB and the elusive UCLA.

Good luck to everyone.

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Just as a note, dating back to my Feb 26th post, our friends’ son was accepted. 15 years old. 4.0. at city college. Philosophy major. Man, what an achievement.

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Did anyone NOT getting an email about their tuition for residency purposes for the Fall 2023 semester and being accepted in admission?

Daughter was denied - history major 3.83 CCC all prerequisites taken

Geez, with a 3.83?? The 25% lower bound for Fall 2022 history admits was 3.64.

And where is everyone??

I didn’t, but h still got in

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Congratulation on your acceptance to UC Berkeley!

Perhaps her PS indicates some hates to Cal