UC Berkeley Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Question for the group, I am trying to find out if California schools like Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD accept transfers only for Junior year? This is for an OOS student, who is going to TAMU Engineering but interested in transfer to Berkeley in 2024 as a sophomore. thanks

The majority of the UC’s only accept Junior level transfers with a minimum 60 semester/90 quarter units. Campuses such as UC Davis and UC Irvine rarely will take lower division transfers which may be restricted to some specific majors only. Also, OOS transfers have the lowest priority for UC transfers.

UCB does not take Sophomore transfers. If the student wants to transfer, for the best chances the student should consider attending a California CC as a UC transfer.

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Thanks Gumbymom, the kid is on waitlist right now and I am trying to figure out what happens if the waitlist does not work out.

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Sorry for the late response but I got in too. Blessed, and I hope I get into UCLA as well. Congrats to everyone who got in. If you did not, continue fighting for your goals. Stay strong


Sorry for being late, got in UC Berkeley, go the spring 24 admit!

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Any UC to UC transfers who got in to UC Berkeley?

Accepted for Fall 23’ I believe, 3.7 philosophy non-trad; astrology was correct


I am from USC, but I know some UC to UC transfers

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Accepted 3.99 GPA for Business

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all praise to god

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Are all the transfer admits transferring from community college to Berkeley?

Are there anyone here who transferred from a 4-year college (e.g. UT Austin or Boston University) to Berkeley?

Uh oh, I am hoping someone has some words of encouragement here because I am freaking out that my admission will get rescinded. I was admitted into UCB College of L&S as a fall 2023 transfer with only the condition of full IGETC. I accepted the admission offer and immediately requested my CC transcript with IGETC. A few days ago, when 2 weeks had passed since I requested the transcript, I decided to go to admissions in person to see why it had not yet been transmitted to UCB and learned that the evaluator denied IGETC because one of my classes from a previous CC doesn’t satisfy an Area 3 requirement. The academic advisor I had last met with specifically for this reason, checked my transcripts and verbally told me that I was good for IGETC. Becasue I had grades from two CCs, it was a bit of a manual process but he used both transcripts to complete an IGETC checklist that showed everything complete.

I have appealed to the top evaluator at the CC with no luck. They will not issue the full IGETC for any reason other than me completing one more class. I have already accepted UCB because I was 100% certain I was attending and had met all IGETC requirements. I completed the admission form from my applicant portal including copies of all transcripts, explanation, etc. and now I am waiting. Even though UCB says you can not complete IGETC with a summer course, I signed up and started one today at the CC that will be issuing my IGETC. The class finished on 6/25 so theoretically I will have IGETC done before my 7/15 UCB deadline.

I am hoping it is not an automatic rescind of my admission offer but wonder if anyone else has knowledge of this issue. I can not be the first one. Thanks for your insight or words of encouragement…

Gumbymom, see Shiny’s situation at the bottom re IGETC.

I would contact UCB admissions and find out your options. Since you will have completed the missing course by the transcript deadline, you are in a good position but ultimately it will be up to UCB.

There is no automatic rescinding of an acceptance since each situation is different and schools do not like to rescind. :crossed_fingers: everything works out for you.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Hello I’m an incoming CC student mapping out my approach for hopefully transferring into Cal for Statistics Major. I am to complete all my lower divisions for it by the Fall-Term.

I was wondering if it is possible for me to pursue a Data Science Minor at Cal too (if I get admitted). I am asking because I may be able to also complete the Data Science Major Lower-Divison Courses at CC by the Spring if I want to (Stats and DS have lots of overlap).

Is Data Science minor capped or anything? Will the new Data Science school make it possible for me to at least pursue a minor in the field? Wanting to plan an approach for success over the course of this next year.

Thank you so much for your help in advance!

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