UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I am not sure but I asked one sat institution director. He said uc won’t count honor class as 5.0 weight gpa. I partly remember that only honors chemistry and biology and pre calculus are considered as AP classes. I think he will be right because the institution is very famous. When sat test was considered , a few Bs were fine if they got over 1500 sat for engineering field . One student who got all A and 4.9 accumulated gpa didn’t got in ucb or ucla though she was cheer leader. I guess only the admission may compare students who came from same high school this year and last years. I guess they never pick so many students in same high school for diversity. If when we apply any schools , we may aware of same high school peers.( some highly ranked schools have more students to send though)

It is my opinion so my assumption may not right.

May not be right.

As I am OOS, UC only considers my AP classes.

@spc - With the info you provided, you had 28 semesters of classes between 10 and 11th grades…all A’s, and hit the cap of 8 semesters easily…that should give you ((28*4)+8)/28=4.285 for your C&W GPA…that part looks correct.

For your weighted GPA…you said you had 7 total AP courses (and I’ll assume those were all a full year each, making 14 total semesters of AP) out of a total 28 Semesters of classes taken…again, with all A’s…that should give you a weighted GPA of ((28*4)+14)/28 = 4.50

You’ve either done the weighted GPA math incorrectly, or you’ve inadvertently misstated how many AP courses you’ve been taking.

My daughter’s capped and weighted GPA is 4.23. She has 1 B among 30 semester grades, maxed out at 8 honors/AP semesters. It’s interesting that her GPA could have been higher if she had taken fewer academic courses her sophomore and junior years.

I went back and added up the fully weighted GPA and it’s 4.4 (5 AP year-long classes, 1 honors class, 1 semester-long AP).

Do UCB and UCLA show the average fully weighted GPAs of their admitted classes?

UC caps the number of semesters you can claim the honors/AP bump to 8. So your calculations above need to swap out the 14 and replace with 8

Oops. I mistyped 4.5 as 5.

That’s why UCB and UCLA give significantly more weight to fully weighted GPA and very little if any weight to cap weighted GPA.

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The fully weighted UC GPA allows unlimited # of honors points for the qualified courses so 14 is correct if 7 full year AP classes were taken. This results in a 4.5 Fully weighted UC GPA as corrected by @spc.

The capped weighted is maxed out with 8 semesters of honors points.


Thank you for helping me with this calculation. Hoping my stats along with rigor plus activities and essays are enough. Now back to waiting.


@Southoftheriver - The ranges you saw posted are for the 25th-75th percentile of C&W GPAs…and those wouldn’t be expected to change a lot, generally speaking, from year to year, even with or without standardized testing being a big shift in the mix of applications…this is because the C&W GPA has a somewhat unusual feature that compresses the distributions in a somewhat artificial way…that data is reasonable for understanding where the relative competitiveness of the UC campuses are to one another, and whether any given application has a reasonable shot of being successful at all…but it won’t help with “odds” at a given school for a given GPA. The difference, analytically, is subtle but important. I find these ranges helpful, but potentially misleading…for example, some people would look at the 75th percentile and conclude that they have a great chance of admission if they exceed that level…when they really only have “better odds, but still more likely than not will be denied.” Part of the problem is driven by the fact that a LARGE portion of the applicants at UCB and UCLA have above a 4.2 UC C&W GPA…the distribution of apps is very skewed, statistically speaking…where most people will naturally assume that the 25-75th percentile range is representative of something looking more like a normally distributed curve.

In comparison, the Weighted GPA analysis done with more granular GPA ranges (and with the artificial caps removed) gives a more robust view of the distribution because it takes away a little of the skew in the curve. More importantly, it helps see the tradeoffs between the C&W ranges that tell you “I’m in the right ballpark to be considered” and the Weighted GPA analysis that can tell you “I actually have a decent shot (30%) vs I still am a little bit of a long shot (10%).”

Ahhh. Got it. Thank you! Back to that calculator!!

I think the most important factor for GPA is the comparison to others at the applicant’s high school. That’s what Naviance does and that’s why schools pay a lot of money for the service. Also, the analysis you’re describing doesn’t break it out by UCB school, also very important. While I agree that GPA is very important the odds making you want is impossible because of holistic review.

As you saw in the state audit UCs have a prescribed internal system and then there were many examples where applicants were admitted that were not recommended as highly as others. They did not do a good job of explaining these discrepancies and seemed resistant to documenting why or failed to do quality control. Then there were the engineering students at UCB approved not by the AOs but by a single dean. It’s impenetrable.

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Yes. They will but honor chemistry and honor biology will be considered as ap class point 5.0 in state. I live in California so I don’t know out of state .


Both UCB and UCLA admit profiles on their admissions page show the uncapped fully weighted GPAs.

For UCB the middle 50% is 4.27-4.62 and for UCLA it’s 4.35-4.72 with a median unweighted GPA of 4.0!!!

For Engineering and competitive majors, I imagine the #s are even more steep. Remember seeing median admitted GPA of 4.52 for Berkeley COE somewhere.


I sent email and got a phone from UCB admission last year.( because I asked very important question but I can not say about that) She said that they would look into all course from 9 th to 11th course not only uc gpa. Specially UCB and UCLA look into more courses than rest of uc schools.

Naviance is totally useless for the UCs cince the scatter plots show the cumulative GPA rather than 10-11 UC GPA.

Yes. I talked with ucb admission and heard.