UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Not really. What I meant is at a certain high GPA, the marginal value of additional GPA points wont matter as much as the value of better essays+ECs etc. So, the 4.6-4.8 bucket with a better EC+Essay profile might have slightly better admit rates than the 4.8-5 bucket. If the buckets were 4.0-4.2 vs 4.2-4.4, then better essays + ECs may not help the 4.0-4.2 bucket.


I see. That makes sense. I shouldā€™ve picked up on that.

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Exactly, and thatā€™s why my guess is that most admitted students will have more than 5. Most are CA residents and those students have to take pe (2 years for my D) and a year of art. The tip top students take the 5 core subjects, plus requirements mentioned above, plus electives. My Dā€™s program had to take 2 extra classes in her sophomore year. They need to make sure senior year is super rigorous. I think 5 classes a year for a top CA resident would be unusual.

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Yup. Based on those lists linked showing acceptances from high schools- ours is definitely a feeder school. Super rigorous with 45+ kids admitted to UCB and UCLA. Also many kids like mine have also taken classes at the community college.

@mhafez01 - re needing a 4.25 to ā€œstand a chanceā€ā€¦that is probably a little too pessimisticā€¦I read that center column to be the average GPA of admitted kids from your local HS. Overall, kids above a 4.2 W&C GPA comprise about 2/3 of the admit classā€¦and kids in that range have much better than average chances of being admittedā€¦that said, the average chance of being admitted is lowā€¦and having much better odds is still kinda low too! Itā€™s all relativeā€¦but those with a 4.25 (at probably most schools) definitely ā€œstand a chanceā€ā€¦indeed, theyā€™re in the bucket from which most admits comeā€¦though being closer to 4.2 is generally gonna be lower odds than higher, naturally.


UCB I believe is by far the most holistic. Once you achieve the minimum required GPA, and that might be a bit lower than the ranges mentioned here, ECs and essays are super important. I am a 2024 mom and based on a lot of my DDs friendā€™s stats, I donā€™t see incredibly high GPAs but their ECs are crazy. In contrast, my nephew at UCI, not one is below 4.3 and many donā€™t have very Impressive ECs. Good luck to you all and if you are getting discouraged by all the GPA talk, donā€™t be. you may be surprised. Of course you do need a minimum, but that is not 4.4 or even 4.2. 25% got in with a lower GPA.


Any news in when UCB global GMP program will release its selection?
What does a Regents scholarship covers at the UCs

Expect around 2nd week in February to hear about some GMP admits along with Regents scholar invites.

Regents Benefits for UCB is below. You can check each UCā€™s campus website for their specific Regents benefits:

Priority Class Enrollment: Regentsā€™ and Chancellorā€™s Scholars are among a very select group of students who receive priority enrollment for classes.

Faculty Mentor: Scholars have access to UC Berkeley faculty mentors to provide guidance on academic and professional endeavors.

Research Fellowship: The Regentsā€™ and Chancellorā€™s Research Fellowship provides scholars an opportunity to apply for funding of up to $1,000 in support of current research projects.

ā€‹Guaranteed Housing: Scholars receive guaranteed placement in on-campus housing for the duration of their scholarship tenure.

Regentsā€™ and Chancellorā€™s Scholars Association: All scholars are automatic members of the Regentsā€™ and Chancellorā€™s Scholars Association (RCSA). The student organization sponsors academic and professional development activities as well as social events and community service projects throughout the academic year, including TEDx Berkeley.

Financial Aid Advising: Scholars have a dedicated scholarship coordinator in the Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, and Prizes Office to assist with questions about the scholarship and financial aid.

Financial Literacy Counseling: Bears for Financial Success (BFFS), UC Berkeleyā€™s peer-to-peer financial literacy program, offers special workshops and counseling to help scholars learn to manage money and expenses.

Monetary Award and Scholarship Tenure: The Regentsā€™ and Chancellorā€™s Scholarship includes a monetary award that is renewable annually for up to a maximum of eight semesters for incoming freshmen and a maximum of four semesters for incoming transfer students. Scholars without financial need receive a $2,500 honorary award per year. Scholars with financial need are awarded a scholarship up to their full need as assessed by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office.

Alumni Network: Upon graduating, scholars become part of a vibrant and world-changing group of Berkeley alumni.


Extremely helpful as usual
Thanks a lot!!

Is there a difference between L&S CS vs L&S DS acceptance rates at UCB? (Given that students can try for CS after admission to any major)

UCB College of L&S does not admit by major however, to declare the CS major you need to have a 3.3 GPA in the pre-req courses. For Data Sciences, you need a 2.0 GPA in the foundation/pre-req courses.

Here is the link for the CS major at UCB- College of L&S so compare the courses between the 2 majors. Computer Science < University of California, Berkeley

Here is the link for the DS major at UCB (lower and upper division courses): Requirements: Lower Division | CDSS at UC Berkeley

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Thank you so much @Gumbymom!

But then does that mean that when students apply to L&S their acceptance chances (to L&S) are independent of the major they choose?

In other words, applying to CS vs DS (at L&S) would not change the admission chances.

Yes, L&S does not admit by major so you need to meet your intended majors pre-req course requirements and GPA to declare. Some majors such as CS has a higher GPA requirement so only about 50% or less of these students will be able to declare.


Hey guys! does anyone know when UCB sends out portal links?

I got mine in mid dec

Check your spam/junk folder first. If you cannot find the link, contact UCB admissions.

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Found it, thank you guys!!!

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So if not admitted to EECS, doesnā€™t it mean the end of the application, or there are other
options? Thanks

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