UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

There are no alternate options. If you apply EECS and don’t get in - that’s it.

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@ucscuuw is correct since UCB does not consider alternate majors so if not admitted into EECS, then you will either be waitlisted or denied.

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I think that with the GMP is different
If not accepted you will still be considered for regular admission

Regular decision to social sciences

I was wondering whether UCB automatically receives applicants’ AP scores from the College Board or are AP scores exclusively self-reported on their UC applications?

I think AP scores do not go automatically to any colleges. You need to mark them when you take the test or paid to have them sent if done afterwards
If you get admitted, then the colleges can/will check directly if they correspond or not to what you reported in the application
Anyone, please correct me if I am wrong

AP scores are self reported on UC App


This is what I say. College board do not automatically send them. You have to ask if you want to. Self report is ok until you want to get the credit

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This is what I said

That makes sense, but I noticed this statement on a UC Admissions website: “Although the College Board reports all AP test results to us, students should be aware AP test scores lower than 3 will not adversely affect their chances for admission.” AP credits | UC Admissions

The Universities will ask college board only if they accept you and you take their offer.
If you lie, they can rescind your attendance

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Few questions about OOS grades and GPA :

Trying to understand the murky world of UC GPA calculations, for an OOS student. Your help needed

  1. Should we send mid year grades to UC
  2. In calculating UC uw, weighted & capped gpa, I’m assuming they use only 3 years of grades. Is that right?
  3. If my high school only offers 6 AP courses between sophomore and junior year, and I took all of them, will this negatively impact me because it brings down by UC weighted GPA. Some other schools offer AP courses starting at freshman year, but my school doesn’t
  1. Do not send Mid-year grades unless requested.

  2. UC GPA is calculated only using 10-11th grades for the a-g courses. This means classes taken the summer prior to 10th through the summer prior to 12th.

9th grades are reported on the UC application, they are reviewed for completion/passing of the a-g course requirements and HS course rigor but not used in the GPA calculation

12th grade courses are reported as in-progress/planned and reviewed for HS course rigor and eventual completion of the a-g course requirements.

  1. The UC’s have 3 UC GPA calculations:
    Unweighted where no extra honors points are given = maximum GPA of 4.0
    Capped weighted where extra honors points are given for OOS AP/IB or DE UC transferable classes taken 10-11th grades and capped at 8 semesters or 4 year long classes. Maximum GPA of 4.4.
    Fully weighted where Unlimited extra honors points are given for the OOS AP/IB or DE UC transferable classes taken 10-11th grades. Maximum GPA is 5.0

So taking 6 AP classes 10-11th will be considered in the Fully weighted UC GPA and capped at 4 AP classes for the Capped weighted UC GPA. Your rigor will still be considered even if it is capped.


For the general scholarship application when they asked for unweighted GPA shall you use UC unweighted or your school unweighted ?
It makes a difference as A- and As are no different for UC
My daughter would be 3.96 for school based on some A-
Shall we use 4 unweighted?

I would use the UC unweighted GPA unless the scholarship specifically states how the unweighted GPA is calculated.

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Anyone heard anything from the Regents committee yet?

It will probably be a few more days. Regents notifications the past two years were Feb 7, 2020 and Feb 10, 2021


Do we have any guesses or info on when early notifications are coming out? I know we can expect sometime between Feb 5 and 15 based on previous years, but I’m not sure if there is a trend or some information about this.