UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

From the UCB website: If you applied for a Science or Math major, then you can be considered.

The SEED Program is a four-year comprehensive honors program serving minoritized individuals in the STEM - science, technology, engineering, and math - fields, who have a passion for science, research, and a commitment to pursuing a graduate degree.

It looks like the UC Information Center just updated its website to reflect 2021 Admissions data. The most useful part is admission by source school (your high school) which gives the UCs a bit of context for this year’s admission. Here is the link: Admissions by source school | University of California


wow 90 students from my kid’s school got into Cal in 2021. out of 481 applicants


Click on the GPA tab to see what range of GPA was accepted from your son’s school

Not sure how reliable the UC information center data is as it shows no one admitted to UCB and no one enrolled to UCSD from my high school both of which are not true.

applied 4.04
admitted 4.27
enrolled 4.24

I assumed this means a capped UC GPA, but some other schools the admitted GPA is over 4.30, so is this a weighted GPA uncapped?

I don’t know :man_shrugging:t2: but I looked at previous year admitted GPA for my S22 and this past year each UC GPA went up. It confirms what we all knew, it is getting harder and harder to get in. The average for our high school is 3.98, but excluding UCSC, UCR and UCM, all the others require at least 4.2 GPA. Last year they were mainly in the high teens.


i’m assuming it has to be weighted uncapped. at his school, 481 kids who applied had an average gpa of 4.04. It is an academically challenging public school in the bay area, but it seems exceedingly high if it was UC capped. Am i missing something?

In footnote 10 it says it is weighted, capped GPA:

“Average GPA is calculated based on high school grade point average of students from the same school. GPAs used for this analysis are weighted, capped high school GPAs where extra points up to 8 semesters, no more than 4 in the 10th grade are added to the GPA. Average GPA for any cell with fewer than five students is shown as a blank. For transfers: Average GPA is calculated based on transfer grade point average for students from the same college.”

EDIT: there are some really high GPAs. For my public high school, the admitted GPAs for UCSB, UCSD and UCI were all 4.3 or higher, and UC Davis, UCLA and Cal were all above 4.2.

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@CO22 wow. Thanks for that.
Obviously GPA is king.
This makes me remember some graffiti on a desktop that I saw when I was in school. Someone wrote: “Calm down. One test can’t change your life”
and the reply was: “yes it can”
That is more apt than ever these days. Certainly there are ways that our kids have it easier than their parents did. But by and large, students today are under immense pressure, knowing that one slip up on one test can change their life trajectory. Unreal

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Only if that is a true statement. It is possible to not go to any of the UCs and still be able to do what you want to do.


So true. I did not really appreciate this until mid-way through my sophomore year. Thankfully the UCs are only looking at 10-12. Overall I now have around 4.15 in core courses for 9-12, but my UC GPA is something like 4.42 uncapped and 4.29 capped. The down side is that my second semester sophomore year I had all A’s, but my school went to P/NP because of COVID, so I lost some GPA there. I heard that in SF, the public schools gave all As to everyone for that semester. I would love to go to Cal, but at this point I am just praying my capped GPA is enough to get me into at least one of UCs I applied to (I did not apply to Riverside, SC or Merced).

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@raj_125 I agree. I didn’t put it that well. the university you attend should not define you. It’s really more of a function of the doors that are open to you are incredibly difficult to open, and your access into then can be limited with one bad grade. Not even a “bad” grade. Like, one B. Especially UCB, as it would seem.


SF gave only Credit/No Credit for the 2020 spring semester. There were no Grades given.

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This is true, but along with Cal States, the UCs are one of the most affordable options for in-state students like me.


I’d like to think that the future of our country is bright because our kids are working hard, getting good grades, and competing for AWSOME Universities. This has to be good for the US, even if individual kids may not get into their “dream school.”


Anyone interested, I have posted the updated 2021 Freshman Admit rates based on the capped weighted UC GPA.


For UCB specifically, these are overall admit rates.

2021 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.00-3.39 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 1%

2021 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 2%

2021 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 11%

2021 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or greater capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 30%


@CO22 given your stats, if you did NOT get into any of your UC choices, then I think we are looking at a big problem. Especially given the new CA resident enrollment criteria (assuming you are in CA)

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I understand what you are saying. Some of the pressure is generated by fear of the unknown. UCB is a known path. The path through a lesser known cal state might involve unknowns and potentially more work on the students part to chart his success.

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Yes, I am from California. I am in the Bay Area, and from your lips (post?) to UC admissions’ ears please!