UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Even tougher at UCLA where 55 percent of enrolled freshmen have 4.0 UW

how do you calculate capped UC GPA? on my transcript it just says UC GPA

Is a 4.28 Capped and 4.65 uncapped good enough (potentially) for Berkeley Regents?

Use this calculator, but if you took more than 8 semesters of honors/AP classes, only put in a max of 8 in the last row because the UCs only count a max of 8 semesters. Also, only count A-G courses (like no TA, PE or Health classes).


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Do they look at fine arts for the capped gpa ?

Yes, that counts. All A-G courses count. English, History, Math, Science, Foreign Language, Visual and Performing Arts, College Prep Electives.

Is the prediction that Berkeley early decisions are gonna come today? What about for GMP? They have updated their website to include a password protected portal for new GMP admits


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It won’t show if there are fewer than five, I believe, to protect confidentiality.

Keep in mind that most of the UC’s including UCB and UCLA don’t use capped GPA for admission purposes. Instead, they use fully weighted GPA for admissions purposes which is obviously a better reflection of course rigor.

So if I am reading the guidelines correctly - the additional point for honors is ONLY for AP type classes - not for “honors” level classes at the student’s school. At my child’s (non-Calif) school, there are 3 levels of classes - regular, honors, and AP, and they are all weighted differently. There are only a couple of AP courses that they are permitted take as sophomores. And the honors classes are very rigorous - but it sounds like for UC GPA, the regular classes and honors classes would be treated the same for GPA purposes. Am I interpreting it correctly?

Yes. Honors classes at out-of-state schools are not weighted for UC admissions, presumably because it is too difficult to judge the relative rigor from different schools in other states.

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Yes, that’s correct.

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Even for in state only certain honors courses are considered for the gpa bump.
I know for math the Trig/pre calc is the starting course which is considered. Geometry honors and algebra I/II honors are not considered

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S#*t. The admitted GPA for my S22’s high school is just insane. Clearly GPA has become an even more dominant factor in the post-SAT era. I also assume some of the increase is driven by high stats kids applying to UCs they normally wouldn’t have applied.

UCB - 4.25 (+0.02)
UCLA - 4.32 (+0.04)
UCD - 4.31 (+0.02)
UCSD - 4.34 (+0.11)
UCSB - 4.29 (+0.10)
UCSC - 4.17 (+0.20)

The UCs really need to start adding a major/college filter to these datasets. It would help students get smarter at assessing the odds.


is there a confirmed GPA method of calculation that UCs are using to deal with students who received a semester of “P/NP” grades? Are they simply eliminating that semester and only counting the ones with grades? or are they rolling it in somehow? I haven’t seen anything confirmed. Just speculation.

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I believe they are simply removing them from the equation for GPA calculation, which also means no AP/Honors points for those classes. They will consider them to establish whether you met A-G course units criteria.

I see. I’ve heard that, but I haven’t seen it spelled out officially yet. I mean, they could also simply double up the previous semester grades and AP weighting as well. I’ve seen this done before, albeit for a totally different process.

Hope they look at all the 3 GPAs (W, UW, and Capped) along with number of courses taken. My D22 would have had a perfect capped GPA of 4.4 if she had not taken on additional classes like Choir, Mock Trial, and Engineering. Even though she has 4.0 UW GPA, her capped GPA has been diluted to 4.27 because of these additional classes. Hope they take her UW 4.0 and fully weighted 4.67 into consideration. sometimes the process seems unfair to many high performing kids, but it is what it is. I don’t think there is any perfect solution to the admission process.

From UC Website:

Pass (P) or Credit (CR) grades earned in spring, summer, and fall 2020, as well as spring and summer 2021, will meet A-G requirements for any student who was enrolled in high school during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years. This includes students currently enrolled in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.
UC will continue to calculate the GPA for admission purposes using all A-G courses passed with letter grades in grades 10 and 11, including summer terms following grades 9, 10 and 11. Pass (P) or Credit (CR) grades earned in spring 2020 through summer 2021 will meet A-G subject requirements but will not be calculated in the GPA. Extra points in honors-level coursework will continue to be capped at 8 semesters of honors points in A-G courses completed with letter grades of A, B and C in grades 10 and 11.


We are in the same situation. OOS so honors and other required classes for EC’s don’t count.