UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

All UCs look at all GPAs I believe. UCB and UCLA care more about the uncapped GPA while some of the others prioritize the capped GPA. In either case, your daughter has outstanding numbers and her “low” capped GPA should be offset by the rigor of her coursework given that # of honors courses and rigor is also one of the important review factors.


Thanks and hope it works out. She and many other kids whose stats are out on this site have worked hard for this and just want them to be rewarded for their hard work.

That’s an unreal number. My son’s school usually has about 35 admits

So to confirm, to arrive at the GPA numbers, they take 10th and 11th grades? They look at freshman year but don’t compute? OOS parent here whose D really likes a few of the UCs…

Just to confirm, no regents invites today?

i think 90 out of 481 to UCB could be right as it is 18%. My daughter’s school had a 17% acceptance in 2021 to UCB. I have other schools in the same county (within 10 miles radius) having 36% and 38% acceptance rates. It seems unfair that a school that pushes kids to perform all-round gets penalized by acceptance rates!

yes they had over 110 acceptances in 2020. Prior to that, it was in the 50s-60s for a long stretch

I think ucb changes its admission policy. My son’s school had 80+ admits in the past. Then it went down to 60+. In 2020,2021, it was 40+ admits. The same thing happened to a school 20miles away. It isn’t about GPA. The other school usually has 100+ UWGPA 4.0, while my son’s school has 20+ UWGPA 4.0. There are around 500 seniors in both school.

For OOS applicants, the UC’s will use grades from the a-g course requirements starting from the Summer prior to 10th grade to the Summer prior to 12th grade. Only AP/IB or DE UC transferable courses will be given the extra Honors points in the calculation.

The UC’s do look at 9th grades to make sure the a-g courses have passing grades. They also consider HS course rigor for both 9th and in-progress/planned 12th grade classes.

The UC’s look at all 3 UC GPA’s but UCLA and UCB will emphasize the Fully Weighted UC GPA.

Here is the calculator I like to use: GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

The UCOP website GPA data listed is the Capped Weighted UC GPA. UCLA and UCB will list their admit GPA information on their individual websites which is the Fully weighted UC GPA.

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at Daughter`s school out of 116 admitted 12

UCB tends to be more holistic in their application review so although GPA/HS rigor is Very important, they give more weight to other aspects of the UC application as well.

dont think so

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can someone explain the source centre data? is it the number of students admitted to UCB?

thanks @Gumbymom For the RogerHub calculator, since my kid had P/NP for spring 2020, I just didnt include those # of grades or #APs. I think the result works out.
(His message to me is to “stop stressing dad. I don’t want to deal with your obsessing about this for the next 2 months.”
So I’ll just do my obsessing on this board.)


Are you asking about the Admission by source school? This link: Admissions by source school | University of California

Can you take a screen shot of what information you would like explained?

Any notification about regents yet?


Nope, nothing here either.

Same, didn’t hear anything yet…I wonder if they are coming today or not

What is the average release time? I thought it was 3 PST or 4 PST? Let’s hope its 4 PM

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