UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Since declaring majors for impacted programs at Berkeley CLS is competitive based on GPA, is it reasonable to expect that people who do not get admitted to these impacted majors take longer to graduate?

I assume with careful planning the additional cost can be avoided, but realistically should we budget the cost for 4.5 or 5 years?

There are many factors which could prolong a students degree beyond the 4 years and impaction could be one if the student is unable to enroll in the pre-req courses needed to declare the major. Other factors would include not meeting the GPA requirement and having to repeat a class or two. Adding a double major may also contribute to not graduating in 4 years so that should be considered.

If a student develops a good academic plan with their advisor and are able to enroll in the all the classes needed, it should not be an issue to graduate in 4 years. This means being flexible about professors, class times and possibly taking courses during summer session.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

Somehow in my mind i was thinking, students apply to an alternate program if they do not get into the first choice impacted program. This means extra pre-reqs for this alternate program, adding time.I guess it is possible to work with an advisor and make sure you are covering the pre-reqs for the alternate option as well, in case you do not get into the first choice impacted program.

I would be curious to know where the students who do not get into the CS program end up doing.

Thank you!

Thank you for replying!

Anyone have thoughts on this topic?: In several college essay videos, advisors recommend mentioning in your essays what you can specifically add to a campus. The “…ask what you can do for your country.” angle. The issue with the UC app is that if you mention a specific campus in your essay, then you run a risk of turning off the campuses that you didn’t mention. For example, say you apply to 5 UC’s, but in one of your personal insight questions, you write “I have spent a lot of free time enjoying and learning about the ocean. I think my experience can be a positive addition to the UCSD Marine Bio department”. If you don’t mention UC Irvine in your essays, but you apply to the campus, do you think you are pretty much eliminating yourself from contention from UCI? “Oh, this student definitely wants to go to UCSD. Irvine is a back up”

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Any UC info session will tell you that, if you are applying to multiple UC campuses, you should NOT mention any campus by name.

There is no “Why UC?” Personal Insight Question. Using your example, there is a PIQ about an academic subject that inspires you where you can mention your interest in marine bio.

great. good to know. Thanks L

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Since you asked this question in the Berkeley thread, you might look at this page.

Berkeley: What we look for in Personal Insight Questions

Video about how to convey leadership on your Berkeley application.
Berkeley: What Leadership Looks Like

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Hi, I want to apply to MET EECS + Business. I’ll be applying for only CS at other UC campuses. For PIQ #6, should I only talk about CS?

Writing about CS in prompt #6 should be fine since the MET program requires a supplemental essay where you can focus on your interest in MET.

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How competitive is GMP major in berkeley? Does it require any unwritten pre-reqs?

Is anyone aware of problems with the app site being down tonight?

Yes, my D22’s friends say the site crashed.

Updates here: https://twitter.com/UC_Apply

Good luck everyone!

looks like UCB has started sending access codes for the MAP@Berkeley (My Application Portal)

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We got ours one day after applying early November.

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In general, L&S student seeking a capped major should take prerequisites to another major they are willing to study as well as the capped major. For example, those intending CS may also take the prerequisites for math or data science (or some other major) as well, so if they do not meet the GPA in CS courses for the CS major, they can declare one of the other majors without being behind.

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Berkeley has started sending out emails with information on how to set up your MAP - My Admissions Portal. If you did not receive an email, check both your promotions and spam folders.

Take some time to look at the different sections of the portal and make sure that the information matches what you intended to put on your application. If you find a discrepancy, contact Berkeley Admissions as soon as possible.

Those who are applying to MET or GMP should make sure that their supplemental forms are submitted. Additionally, those who are interested in Sciences Po or the University of Hong Kong dual degree program should submit the application on each program’s website.

In the next few months, check your Berkeley MAP and your emails on a regular basis. Make sure you read the entire email to determine if action is needed and if there is a deadline. Check your spam and promotion folders on a regular basis as well.

Berkeley has a long standing problem with housing. Get a head start and familiarize yourself with housing options and Greek life options for housing.

Additionally, remember to file your FASFA if applying for financial aid. The deadline is March 2, 2022 but it is best to get it done early.

MET students note the FAQ from the Berkeley website : M.E.T. applicants must first complete the UC application and choose one of the M.E.T. engineering tracks. After submitting your UC application, students will receive an email with a link to the M.E.T. Supplemental Essay Form. This typically takes 5-7 business days. In some cases, this email may get misrouted to spam or other folders in your inbox. It is your responsibility to check your email. The deadline to submit your supplemental essay form is December 15, 2021 . If you do not submit your essay by the deadline, you will not be considered for admission to the M.E.T. Program.

GMP applicants: Once you submit your UC Application, you will receive an additional email from UC Berkeley’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions asking you to write and submit a supplemental essay about your interest in the Global Management Program. Expect to receive this email 5-7 business days after submitting your UC Application. From there, you will have until 11:59pm PST, January 7 to submit your supplemental essay. Failure to submit your essay by the deadline will remove you from consideration to the GMP.

MET applicants will hear admissions decisions the 2nd week of February.

Regents candidates will also receive acceptance in early February. Regents decisions are based on your UC application along with an interview. In the past, there have been no additional essays requested. Regents scholarship decisions are posted to your financial aid account on the day that general acceptances are announced.

The vast majority of Berkeley acceptances will be posted on MAP towards the end of March. Traditionally all March acceptances will be on the same day at the same time.

Questions? There are lots of people on College Confidential that are very knowledgable about Berkeley and the SF Bay Area. If you are planning a trip to visit or have questions about the school culture and community, feel free to ask in this thread.


Does anyone know if Rec letters for the class of 2026 have already been sent out?

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