UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

My son is now officially scared to attend even if accepted. He said he wouldn’t put it past the government there to kick him out at any random time for being out of state or whatever.


Can they just accept 5,100 kids who can commute from home?


If I recall, he has UT Austin. Right? In his shoes, I would stay put and pay far less tuition to get pretty much the same quality of education and career outcomes.


Indeed. UT Austin it will be unless MIT or Princeton accept him. Too many issues in California and all people are wanting is an education.


Parking is a huge part of the problem at UCB, even for faculty let alone students. Also traffic is part of the city’s complaint against UCB.


Commuting doesn’t mean only by car. There’s BART.


Will have a snowball effect at other UC’s


Smart choice


Yup. That avalanche effect will consume many

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My lay opinion is that there is no easy solution. Berkeley simply doesn’t have the land to build housing for all the students and please the surrounding community. What’s surprising is that UCB has allowed itself to grow over the years without a proper plan in place. Perhaps the best option is for the university to acquire a satellite campus as someone else suggested and move some of the student body and associated faculty there.


Please keep discussion in this thread to issues pertaining to the Class of 2026.

Other opinions or discussions about the lawsuit can be shared in the thread linked here.

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Yes, thank you @lkg4answers . I’ve highlighted your post for others posting in this thread.

All comments pertaining to today’s news about possibly admitting fewer students should be posted in the article linked in the previous post. This thread is for those applying for UCB Freshman Class of 2026.



Well said, the message was confusing. I wonder if they sent it to everyone or only to those that they are planning to reject. Has anyone ever seen a message like from colleges? court matters can go on for awhile. Seems uncertain and worrisome

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My son got the message as well. Concerning. The decision is too disruptive. Need to take students with most being CA residents into consideration.

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Absolutely in agreement. Where can prospective students and their families voice our opinions? Cannot just hear one side of the voice.

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