UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Not exactly. Your number includes transfers. As for freshmen, it should be lower.

does this reduction in offers apply to other UCs as well? As they are all tied to state funding?

I have to read more. But from what i understand it’s Cal only. It stems from a lawsuit from Alameda county/city of Berkeley and housing shortages.


The city vs UC Berkeley issue is about $$$. UC doesn’t pay city or property taxes. Getting more land to build = less revenue for the city. The 2021 stock market growth allowed UCB endowment to skyrocket. Giving an annual fee in some kind of licensing agreement, would solve the problem. The city can better deal with traffic, homeless, etc.

I got the email from UCB regarding the less acceptances.

On Thursday, Feb. 10, a California Court of Appeal ruled that UC Berkeley must follow a lower court’s order requiring the university to freeze student enrollment at the same level as 2020-21. To do so, our current estimate is that we would need to reduce our targeted fall 2022 new undergraduate student enrollment by at least 3,050 students. That in turn would mean reducing the number of offers of admission by at least 5,100.

In other words, at least 5,100 freshman and transfer students who would otherwise have been offered admission for fall 2022 would not receive such an offer. (In a typical year the campus offers admission to approximately 21,000 freshman and transfer students, and enrolls about 9,500 of them.)

Let me know if somebody that apply didnt get it.

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Only applies to Cal. If they indeed have to go with fewer acceptances, there may be a ripple effect with respect to acceptances from waiting lists in other UC’s. Too early to tell though.

Hope you have a favorable outcome. Good Luck!


If you would like to continue to discuss this issue, I suggest you post on the specific discussion thread below:

Thank you.


Did everyone that applied and pending decision receive this email? We are OOS and received it last night

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OOS and also received.


We’ve had two depressing Cal emails in the past week.

First, we got an oddly titled email about admissions updates…It was apparently just a note warning kids that some Cal Regents finalists were getting admissions updates, but not everyone was…ugh.

Then we got the lawsuit email letting us know that admissions numbers may be down (and/or potentially delayed if you read between the lines) due to the latest ruling.

I can only suppose that Sacramento will also weigh in, given that last month’s budget negotiations specifically hinged on greater numbers of IS seats at Cal and UCLA…which will be even harder if total seats are capped due to the lawsuit…ugh.

And people will eventually be shocked that our best students end up going OOS to school…sigh…and the yield impacts at other UCs may lead to turmoil on other campuses too…ugh


Anyone has heard of GMP acceptances?


Same question here

Nope. application has under review. Decisions will be available on or before March 24, 2022.

I am wondering if in the last couple of years they waited until March for GMP decisions

Just now looked into the portal, it used to say “Decisions will be available on March 24th” which is what the email said as well,

“Freshman decisions will be released approximately late afternoon / early evening (Pacific time) on March 24, 2022”

Now they seem to have changed the portal to have the decisions available on or before 24th. Any possibility of UCB will go rolling on acceptances?

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No, it has always said on or before. I have a screenshot of it as well since December.

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Oh thanks. It’s probably I didn’t pay that level of attention.


UCB has always posted regular admission decisions on the same day and not rolling.


UCB has promised more housing for a long time, and haven’t really delivered”

The University has tried desperately to build more housing for years on land that the University owns! The city and the same citizen group that is suing for the enrollment freeze are the ones that also fight the university from building housing! This whole lawsuit stemmed from a lawsuit by these two groups against the university for housing they were trying to build. The city finally made an agreement with the university to go ahead with their new housing (after the university agreed to cough up tons of money for city services) but the neighborhood group continued with this suit. So don’t blame the university for not building housing… they are desperately trying to use the land they own for housing. They even have been forced to build homeless transitional housing on the same property as a new freshmen dorm to appease the city so the freshman housing project would pass.


I agree with your take completely. I am well aware of the People’s Park ongoing fiasco. I know the University has been trying desperately to build more housing. That line wasn’t phrased well to project my opinion.
We’re probably going to get these comments bumped to the “UC B to cut admissions” page by the moderators, btw.