UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

This was big news back in August when the first judgement was made.

I understand your frustration as it is difficult to research all of the pros and cons of different universities before applying.

I’m not sure how universities are supposed to notify potential applicants of all the lawsuits that are filed against them before applications are even open.




Agreed. If anything, its incumbent on parents and students to research and apply, especially when its an expensive OOS option.


And it will be even more important to research before a student submits their SIR.


I think the difference is that this lawsuit has a direct impact on applicants with an actual reduction in the number of open slots.

This may have been news in the local California papers but it didn’t show up elsewhere. My D and I did research the university after her GC recommended she apply - but this news didn’t crop up anywhere.

Not saying it’s all UCB’s fault - but still, not happy about it.


Great points all around!!

They still want your application money which also helps with selectivity


I am sure it was big news in CA, I had no idea being OOS. This is my first time sending a kid to college so lots of lessons learned. Who knew one had to check for lawsuits while choosing colleges to apply!


What is SIR? I’m new to all these acronyms :joy:


Statement of Intent to Register.

Essentially - your commitment form.


First time for us too. Yes, who knew? :roll_eyes:


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Folks, the Internet doesn’t stop at the California border. Google “UC Berkeley admissions” and I’m guessing the news articles would have been posted in August.

ETA: I actually subscribed to a few local papers last year in or around college towns for D21’s search.


I don’t think you need to scan for lawsuits. I didn’t do any such specific search. For OOS, when we applied I set a Google alert for “School X admissions” and read any news that popped up.

Schools don’t know who is going to apply, and there are always a myriad of issues that they are dealing with. The press releases and the news about the housing problems have been out there.

Who hasn’t heard about the housing problems and class size issues at the UCs? The UCSB munger situation went national if I remember.

I think all of us should be mad about the whole situation but I don’t place any weight on the “UCs should have told us” complaint.


Not sure about August, but when my D and I researched Berkeley in late Sept and Oct (after her GC recommended she add it to her list) we did a lot of online searches and I’m pretty sure specifically for “UC Berkeley admissions” multiple times - but nothing related to a lawsuit showed up.

At least nothing that was prominent and caught our attention.


Nice insult! :crazy_face:

But it’s called due diligence. Doesn’t take much time at all to skim the front page of a town’s newspaper. I wanted to know of any local crime, land use, admissions or other issues with the university, since my kid would be spending 4 years there.

Time is relative and my kids deserved a little of my time. YMMV.


After paying super high taxes for so long, I think we have earned the right to whine :smiley:, same as the residents of any other state where it is getting harder and harder to get into their own public universities.


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but it seems reasonable to think that Cal should have made sure that applicants were aware that this admissions cycle could be different due to the legal proceedings.


Since you are responding to me, I’ll point out that I said:

I work in investment banking and asset management so I’m used to the concept of “material adverse impact” where a publicly traded company (or one that’s planning to go public) has to disclose items that may potentially affect investors. So viewing through that lens, it would have been nice for UCB to mention something about this as it had the potential to affect applicants. But I am fully aware they were under no obligation to do so.

Just saying “would have been nice” :slight_smile: