UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Yes, some applicants have received the request for LOR’s.

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Do they start processing applications as they are received, or only after the deadline passes?
I’m guessing it’s the former? Because, it’s been barely a week since the app closed. Seems like a really short time frame for them to have read through applications and figured out who needs to submit an LOR.

Also, @Gumbymom - do they ask for LORs only when they don’t have enough information to make a decision? Or is there a different reason?


Yes, UCB starts to review the applications as they are received.

Here are some of the reasons for the LOR request from UCB. Do not try to ready anything into the request. They just need more information to make an informed admissions decision.

  1. Evidence of focus on an area of special talent which may have limited a student’s time to participate in a broader range of activities.
  2. Evidence of character traits that imply a strong likelihood of making a significant contribution to campus life.
  3. Evidence of significant academic achievement or the potential for academic achievement at the University in spite of extraordinary or compound disadvantage or learning difference, or physical disability or other unusual circumstances.
  4. Evidence of significant improvement in the academic record accompanied by one or both of the following: (1) reasons for the initial poor performance; and (2) sustained and in-depth participation in educational outreach programs, which demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to succeed academically within a challenging environment.
  5. Evidence of relative lack of access to, counseling about, or support to take college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes or required college entrance examinations.

Thanks a lot @Gumbymom
Appreciate it!


@Gumbymom - my daughter did not get request for LOR yet. Do they send it to all students, just wondering if we should expect it before the holidays?

Does the LOR request come to the student or go straight to the counselor?

They only request LOR from a small percentage of applicants. In 2019-20 it was 13%. Not receiving a LOR request is not good or bad. It simply means that they feel that your application was complete as submitted.

As was posted above, they ask for LOR when they feel that your application would benefit from a little more clarification.

2019-20 LOR pdf with stats

LOR pdf with instructions

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The request goes to the student.

Only a small percentage of applicants will get the LOR request usually up to 15% of the applicants. Not an issue, if an LOR is not requested. Admissions just wants more information from some of the applicants.

Do you know if these have been sent out for OOS students as well? My D submitted her application a day before the deadline. She is probably bottom of the pile :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I cannot say for sure that some OOS applicants have received the LOR requests, but since only a small percentage of applicants will get the request in the first place, there should be nothing to be concerned about at this point. Have her check her email periodically since they can send the request for LOR’s into January.

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I believe UCB has made rec letter request from OOS applicant as well.

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Yes. My daughter got it .

The request is about 4 days later deadline. We got dec 4.

No. We are in state.

My daughter is in state student. 4 days after deadline , some of students got requested. She is a valedictorian but I guess, some of students who have good grade but low income got requested. I think if you didn’t get requested but fine.

Request for LOR is not related to income.


Oh. I didn’t know. I just guessed because in my daughter case, she is valedictorian and decent sat score . But some said that.

Your daughter is accomplished on her own merits. Let no one tell you otherwise. All her hard work is paying off. All the best to her!

Thank you. But many excellent students are accepted without recommendation. So other people in here should not be bothered.

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