UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Nothing unusual

what’s the message say?

Checked in my D’s portal. It shows a checkbox with “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.” What does that mean?

I do not have that. I just have “Withdraw Application”.

I clicked the withdraw application - Portal Astrology??

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portal astrology begins

Most likely. Def does not mean anything.

Mine says, "I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.” Anyone else have something different

mine has that as well

Let’s see what others have so that we can determine if it means something

d22 applied GMP - she has withdraw application link under Account tools.

Yes we are interested in what message comes up when you click that button.

we all have a “withdraw” button, you have to actually click it to see the message

Because last year it was a legit indicator, but I am not sure if it still hold this year

Same here
Under account tools
Withdraw application

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Will not push that

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I think this whole withdraw thing is reading too much into it.

maybe yeah

It’s way too early for decisions to be close to published especially with the new 30% cut of seats potentially being done. Believe me, portal astrologies shouldn’t start until 1 or 2 days before :slight_smile:


I just clicked on it—I really hope that I didn’t accidentally withdraw lol but I got the same message

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