UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Interestingly I’m just reading the 2025 thread and do see some portal astrology stuff. Anyways we can’t buy it at this point. Waiting for the actual admission results.

Can someone link that here!

Maybe the admissions office saw last year’s thread and adjusted it for this year. Let’s just wait for the result.

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It was 100% accurate last year lol

Results are still more than 3 weeks aways. Don’t worry none of this stuff can mean anything so early on!

I don’t think Berkeley AOs would actively look for a CC thread

People contact admissions office actually if they do or don’t have it last year. They definitely knew about this large messup from last year.

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Colleges take it sensitively when people can access the decision earlier. Someone must have notified or looked at the thread to adjust it.

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That makes sense

Just an friendly warning: If the so called UCB portal astrology was valid last year, I am sure that UCB would have taken steps to make sure the issue was resolved prior to this year admission decisions. If posters want to continue this discussion, I would suggest you PM each other and stop posting about this particular issue. Last year, there were hundreds of spam posts like this and the discussion was temporarily closed. Please do not let this happen again. UCB has announced they will post decisions on March 24 so please be patient.

Thank you.


Why would you find it $trange? That $urpri$e$ me a$ to why Berkeley might not have been tran$parent.

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On the USC forum, someone started a separate thread for the portal astrology theories. It is nice because that way the conversation doesn’t bog down the Class of 2026 discussion.


While waiting for Cal results on 3/24, I was wondering about likely notification dates for all the other UC’s. Found this post from Ask Ms Sun useful and thought I’d share

UC Freshman Admission - Application Timeline | Ask Ms. Sun.


thank you


Which USC forum? USC regular 2026?

The USC portal astrology thread is here. USC Class of 2026 discussion is here.

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Hey guys I have my regents interview for UCB tomorrow (1/28 so ig it’s today now). Does anyone have any tips?


My daughter interviewed in 2020 and said that it felt very much like all of her alumni interviews for other schools - she did get asked why Berkeley and what she planned to do with her degree/major but if I recall that was a heavy-hitting as it got. I’m sure much depends on the interviewer. Good luck today and Go Bears!


Thanks! I’ve done a lot of other alumni interviews so I hope I’m prepared. Starts in 20 mins :grimacing:


good luck!! hope all goes well!

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