UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I understand that. The whole process was very complicated and stressful for us, Specifically because we did not born or go to university here(me and husband).
But overall my S22 has great school to choose from. He just need to understand that :slight_smile: .

Congrats to you Kid :).


Was thinking about this (the NRMP and UC college selection) over the weekend. (For those unfamiliar with the NRMP, here is a good explainer video.)

I agree that the complexity at the undergrad level (across the country) is several orders of magnitude greater than the NRMP, and even just getting schools to agree to it would be impossible. BUT! The UCs are a self-contained ecosystem, and there could be something that could work within the UCs.

Applicants could submit their lists. UCs could submit their lists. Applicants get a single non-binding match, which is “their” UC. You can decide to go to a non-UC, but if you decide to go with a UC, your one option is the one you matched with.

It would allow for significantly less churn, and far less reliance on waitlists.

I’m sure there are reasons why it’s a flawed idea (like: when in the calendar year would this all take place?), but it seems like the current approach has a lot of issues as well, and it’s worth thinking about alternatives.


Thanks for sharing the video! Brings back memories from 2001! I remember finding out my wife matched with a program at 11am on a Tuesday and then finding out which one it actually was 2 days later. A tweaked version of this system could work IMO depending on how the ecosystem is divided.

Agreed :100:


It is a good system except for the money it costs the applicants

It may work within a system

The challenge was to balance all the details within the character/word limitations - focus on her passion for the major, the school, music, teaching expertise etc. and still talk about volunteering and academic achievements.

Toronto is an amazing school and a great city! My daughter was accepted as UCSD and Toronto, both for her first choice major and first choice college. She has some tough decisions ahead.

Congrats to you Daughter!!! She will choose the best for sure.

Yes, he went to Toronto already and loved! The only thing he is complaining is the weather. Since he lives in California his whole life.

He was accepted to Amherst. Ummmm that’s pretty amazing. I would tell him they want him and it’s UC loss for not taking him


Anyone know if UCB will release decisions through email?

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

Usually portal first, followed by an email later.


Right back at ya! :crazy_face::+1:

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

Lol, totally agreed :grinning:

Anyone know what time decisions came out last year?

Nice idea but as a resident you get paid. Forced Matching doesn’t work if you have to contend with financial considerations.

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@Gumbymom Do you know if they still plan on giving January start or the first semester virtual things offers? Sorry if this is an unanswerable question