UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I think his profile is impressive but a couple of things. UCLA is the #1 most applied to university in the country. No one should be shocked at a denial from UCLA regardless of how stellar they are. Comparing just GPA is not a great way to gauge relative strength of application. There are 12 other factors in the review process and SAT isn’t one of them.


He also applied to CS.


Thank you! My freshman is obsessed with UCB and I’m really trying to hedge his expectations. I appreciate what I’m learning from this forum!

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our daughter was a regular fall admit off of waitlist.


There is no predicting admission decisions these days. My son’s friend was rejected from UCLA for CS but admitted to MIT.


Both schools have <6% acceptance for CS. No one should be predicting anything with odds that low.

Edit: UCLA’s acceptance rate for CS in 2021-22 was 5.4%.


Berkeley Engineering seems to have revamped their website. The admit rate metric was previously prominent on the Facts & Figures page. Now, its buried under the Prospective Freshmen - FAQ page. Looks like the 2021 admit rate across ALL engg majors was only 7.7%. EECS is probably lower than even that. No one should be shocked tomorrow regardless of how well they did at other schools.


Do you know what time decisions will be released


according to By the Numbers | EECS at UC Berkeley

Undergraduate Demographics

  • Percentage of freshman EECS applicants admitted for the 2020-21 academic year: 5.2% (EECS only)
  • Average time to undergraduate degree: 7.59 semesters (EECS & CS)
  • Percentage of undergraduates who are international students: 18% (EECS & CS)

That is the 2020-21 number. The 7.7% is the 2021-22 number and I would imagine EECS would be under 5% for Fall 2021. And this year, may be even lower.


This is very controversial and I hope they work out this out before decision day May 1. Son admitted to Berkeley L&S and wants to pursue CS but the Reddit forum discussion is very concerning/disturbing regarding funding deficiencies and possible policy changes to L&S CS program. Any advice?


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

Wondering the same. Anybody know?

Meaning wondering what time decisions will be formally released. Thanks.

3 pm PST

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is this official?

Not exactly. But according to previous years’ timings, there is a very high probability that the decisions will be released around this time.

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UCB would have posted if the plan was approved and I seriously doubt they would put it into effect this admission cycle without warning applicants. I do not think it is something to worry about at this point.


there are so many kids with these stats. also if applying into majors such as engineering its such a different arena. so you have to consider that as well. good luck wih UCB hoping it works out. does he have any other private prospects?

DD OOS was accepted to UCI and UCD, but rejected from UCLA and most likely UCB. She will take the 50% acceptance results from the UC’s any day!!! I think she will ultimately accept her offer of admissions to her Top in-state school where she has a full first year Ride (Possibly Beyond)! Congratulations to all the amazing students who have worked so hard to achieve their goals REGARDLESS!!