UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Accepted L&S! Glad so many great UCs although we could use even more!

Accepted: UCB, UCD, UCSB
Waitlisted: UCSD
Denied: UCLA, UCI


well glad it came through for one of us:). My D was rejected which I suppose in a way is better than a 6th waitlist…

Good luck on Stanford!!!


Congratulations!! Very proud of your daughter. Amazing admitted college list.

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She applied to L&S. At this point we still are evaluating, but her top choice is definitely MIT anyday.


Thank you so much and same to your son as well. His admission stats are pretty impressive (SEED scholar invite), getting into Cal and in COE means nothing like it. Are you guys planning to go for it?

Any idea when admitted students virtual tours are?

All our kids worked hard and I’m sure yours found her niche already. Good luck to your D as well.

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WL. But kid was more excited about UCLA anyways for multiple reasons. Only thing pulling at Berkeley was campus beauty. She was like “well, now I don’t have to worry about a decision on that”. Both UC decisions have come while she’s competing in athletic events. Will be weird to get remainder of decisions while at home…


Is the SEED program invite select? I was invited to apply but I don’t know if that’s only because I am an intended stem major

Son rejected for Electrical Engineering
*In State
*4.0 UW/ 4.5 W
*8 APs, multiple honors classes

  • ECs- Vex Robotics, Solar Boat, Cross Country

Accepted: UCI, UCSD, UCD, UCSB, UCSC, Cal Poly Pomona

Rejected: UCLA, Cal Poly SLO (most likely, no status change yet)


S22 admitted, in-state, EECS.
GPA: 4.0UW/4.5W,
12 APs (all 5’s, perfect CS),
SAT 1580, NMS winner

Admitted: ULCA, UCB.
Waitlisted: UCSD, UCI.
Denied: Caltech, MIT.
Waiting: 3 more privates.


SEED started with the class that entered in Fall 2020. Berkeley had great plans for a summer program, housing, etc. but then the pandemic hit and I’m not sure it was even a fraction of what they intended for it to be. They offered it again last year. I don’t know how that went. It sounds like a great program but it is very, very new.

Daughter rejected
In state
Mechanical Engineering
Not sure if I did UC calculator right but came out with 4.0 uw, 4.83 weighted, 4.33 weighted and capped)
10 AP including 5 this year (exam scores so far 5,5,5,4,3)
varsity sports 9-12 (track, cross country team leader)
Rank 1 of 578 tied with some others
Accepted at UCSD with Regents scholarship, UCD, UCSC, Cal Poly Slo, CPP,
CU Boulder
Waitlisted UCLA
Rejected MIT, Johns Hopkins, Cal Tech, UC Berkeley
Waiting on others

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The SEED Scholars Honors Program is open to high school seniors interested in becoming leaders and changemakers in STEM, while simultaneously working to encourage, support, and advance histortically underrrepresented/minoritized populations in STEM fields. Students of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

You should register for Cal Day on 04/23. We are planning to decide the week after that. By then he would have done all the admitted events.


Daughter waitlisted, Political Science, OOS
Unweighted GPA: 4.00
Weighted GPA: 4.58
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.24
Although I really don’t understand the UC GPA calculator and why it punishes for taking more classes.
Maybe 19 APs (is this supposed to be counted by semester or class?) 12 if by class + 2 classes beyond AP
Elite hockey player, varsity track
Accepted UCLA, UCSD
waiting on a bunch more


Wow, I have basically the exact same stats as your daughter and I got the exact sane outcome at all 3 schools (waitlist at UCB, accepted at UCLA and UCSD). I applied L&S CS tho. Am also OOS.


Is Cal Day located on their portal?

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It’s on the admitted students portal. The link to that is on the main portal.

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Accepted! In-state, college of letters and science
UC weighted GPA: 4.4
7 APs (Not including senior yr so it’s 10-11 grade), 1 dual enrollment course, 2 community college courses

Invited to apply the SEED Scholars Honors Program, is anyone in that program? How is the program like?