UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Berkeley has some great things going for it but there are also concerns (housing, safety, large classes, etc.). This is the appropriate place to discuss those concerns and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Please refrain from name calling or debating.


There are definitely homeless people near (not really on) campus. Some of them have mental health issues. The vast majority of them are not violent, though. But for sure if the sight of a homeless person acting out is bothersome to your child, Cal is probably not the school for them. That would be the case at several Ivies as well, though. :woozy_face:


Sorry to offend. I was trying to impress the importance of safety and the homeless problem and that even with Regents, she would walk. But, anyway, it’s gone. You can edit yours to delete “better offers” and “Regents” and I’ll do the same to this post so noone feels put out.


Yep, I agree!

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Thanks for the follow up. I realize you probably just typed that out quickly without realizing how some others might perceive it.

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I am a current Berkeley Freshman and have had some friends who just received their acceptances inquire about Berkeley’s crime rate and overall safety level. There are a lot a lot of homeless people but like other people have mentioned if you leave them alone they almost always leave you alone too. I am a small female and have not had any issue with them. For the most part if you are aware of your surroundings and make sure to walk at night with groups, it tends to be fine. I was skeptical about going to Berkeley because I am from a sheltered small town where the homeless population is virtually nonexistent but I found that going to Berkeley and being in a city environment has been really great life experience. I’ve learned how to use public transportation and navigate through new surroundings. It’s my personal opinion that Berkeley is not any more unsafe than the average city university


I didn’t mean to come off flippant, which in re-reading I think I did. Sorry about that. I agree it’s good for people to know ahead of time that Cal is located in an urban area and definitely comes with all that is normally associated with those, for good and for bad. I for sure think the balance is to the good or else I wouldn’t live and raise kids here, but it’s not for everyone and could certainly feel out of the ordinary for someone who comes from a very different kind of upbringing.

Note to folks coming to visit — if you are looking to go get delicious things from The Cheeseboard (which you should do!), it’s closed Sun/Mon/Tues, so get your visit in on Saturday! Maybe pair it with a trip to the original Peet’s Coffee at Walnut and Vine. :grinning:


Been a while since I last visited Jupiter Beer. Looking forward to the visit and also grabbing Cheeseboard and may be some Vik’s too :slight_smile:


MY daughter got accepted as well to the FPF.

  • out of state, public school
  • L&S, Ancient Roman and Greek Studies
  • 5.41/5; 4.33/4
  • Several APs
  • Many EC’s, very active and passionate about causes
  • Also accepted at UCSD; waitlisted UC Irvine and UCSB


there’s a fairmont hotel in the north edge of campus (claremont)… pricey and lovely. parking is difficult on campus. ubers are plentiful.

you could also stay in lafayette area and take the BART to campus.


The Claremont is actually on the south side, near the Clark Kerr part of campus. It’s wonderful, but it’s VERY expensive.

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We usually stay at the Bancroft Hotel. The rooms are tiny (former sorority house) but it is right across the street from campus and next door to Strada. :coffee:

We’ve also stayed at Hotel Shattuck. It was nice but, as was mentioned, it is a trek up hill to get to campus.

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If you want the true Berkeley experience, look into graduate Berkeley. It’s right next to unit 1 dorm building and one block from campus, close to all the eateries and tons of boba options. Rooms aren’t huge and interior aren’t very updated, however, the decors represent true spirit of berkeley, you will know what I mean when you see it lol

You will not need a car. Take the Bart from either sfo or Oakland airport. It will also be a great way to get your kid to experience Bart system. I know there are parents insisting their kids to take Uber or Lyft because they question the safety of Bart, it’s truly not bad at all. My sons taken both to fly to and from sfo or oak, early hours or later at night, never a problem.


Formerly the Durant Hotel.


Agree about BART. Service has been a little spottier since the pandemic (particularly direct lines to SF from the Berkeley area and north), but it’s fine. Our kids started taking BART places when they were in middle school (always in groups, but as of late high school also on their own). Public transit ftw!

Thank you to everyone who’s so generously shared information today about the surrounding area and its amenities including its hotels, restaurants, transportation, safety issues, etc. We’re from the central coast and have no experience with Berkeley or the area although we did a campus visit last fall and fell in love the campus. Go Bears!



Not trying to be inflammatory. Seems like there is some disgruntlement within the CS department and any abrupt policy changes should be broadcasted to newly accepted students as this might make a difference in their decision to attend or not. Just want all who are in the same situation to be aware and check it out for themselves.