UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

We will share! D22 not even hurt by it as we knew it was a big old reach.

Denied - Chemistry
Out of State-Chicago Public School
Double Honors Program-17+ Honors and AP’s
3.72 UW/4.72 weighted. 4.3 capped.
Test optional
Four year JV/varsity softball athlete
LGTBQ club-social activist
Robotics internship
Two jobs
Political campaign volunteer
Food pantry volunteer

Congrats to all!

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I really want to go to Cal Day but senior prom is on the same day for me…decisions, decisions

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Just wanted to share stats for future reference:

Accepted to EECS (Asian Female)
Out of State - Loudoun County Public School (Northern Virginia)
Attending a Magnet school with two years of CS Research and 4 years of programing
13 APs and Post-AP Math (Multivariable Calc)
4.0 UW/4.67 Weighted
A lot of Hackathon experience including 1 time winner and 2 years as Moderator
VP of CS Nationals Honor Society (VP of Community Outreach)
Director of Women in STEM, Volunteered as Teacher of Robotics to URM Element and Middle School kids
NASA App Development Challenge Winner
Airforce CyberPatriot
Founder and President of a club
Paid Intern at Cyber Security firm
Other STEM related ECs, Good Essay and LORs


Very good example.

Agreed. When I was looking for stats over the last few years to gauge fit it was a lot harder to find the rejections than the acceptances (understandably so). So I decided this year that I would post everything to all of the schools he applied to no matter what. We knew Berkeley would be a reach. DS didn’t, but I did. He thought going into senior year that with his GPA that he’d be able to get in anywhere (he even had delusions of MIT). There are so many kids with 4.0+ GPAs applying to these school that most of them get turned away. Especially for majors like CS which is what he was going for. I will be interested in seeing the final stats when the schools eventually publish them. I’m sure the acceptance rates are even lower than we think right now.


Daughter Accepted- in state
Public School
Accepted to L&S
4.67 GPA
6 APs
Lots of ECs and community awards
Also accepted at UCD, UCLA, UCSB, Williams, Wesleyan, Case Western, Oxy
Rejected: UCI, Northwestern, Northeastern


Does anyone know how housing works? My daughter wants to attend the admitted student day which is not until April 23rd so we will liking not be making any decisions and commitments before then. If we wait till the last week of April to commit does this limit her housing options?

Thank you!

According to the Housing FAQ’s:
There is no benefit to applying early- as long as you apply by the deadline and you have broad preferences, your housing application will have the same odds in the lottery as any other student.

If she applies by the May 2 deadline, she will be fine. She needs to enroll first and setup her Cal Net ID before accessing the housing application.


Son accepted OOS LnS
3.98 UW, 4.76 Weighted
11 APs, mostly 5s
Charter school
Good ECs
He did well on the UC essays because that’s where he got a lot of his acceptances so far…everywhere else has been waitlists or denials.
Accepted: Cal, UCSB, UCSD
Waitlisted: Hopkins, Northeastern, Mich (took himself off), BU
Denied: Northwestern, UNC, UCLA
Still waiting: Stanford, Duke (deferred early decision), U Penn

Probably looking like Cal unless some miracles happen at the end this week.


yes @Gumbymom is correct here. There is no advantage to putting in your housing application prior to May 2nd. I believe after may 2nd, you still have a good shot to get housing (WL students mostly get a housing option) but you may be limited by the offerings.

Re: Housing.
Any suggestions re: first-year dorms for a Girl who needs down time to reflect/process, isn’t looking to be partying or socializing all the time?
(Space, quiet, and safety are priorities.)


Blackwell is the newest dorm. Foothill seems to be the less social dorm. Some have amazing views. Clark kerr is generally the athletic dorms the rooms are bigger and has more frat feel. Bowles is the castle, need a special application to apply. Its supposed to be set up like the Residential colleges of the ivies. And the units are closest to the main part of campus i think lots of bonding, especially during gbo and times of power outages. They are close to people’s park.

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Isn’t Bowles all male?

Its coed. Used to be all male sometime ago. Renovated several years ago and now coed. Our older son is in bowles. Loves it. Right by football staduim.
Theres an all female dorm sterns. Sterns is near either foothill or clark kerr. If shes interested in all female

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Others have made some good suggestions but Foothill and Stern are on the quieter side of campus.

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Just to be precise, it is Stern Hall (not Sterns.)
Named after Rosalie Meyer Stern. :slight_smile:


Sounds like my girl!

Anyone here know more than what is listed on the website regarding Fall Program for Freshmen? I’ve read good/bad online from previous years.

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hey guys what is this work study option thing on my financial aid package? i have to pay 10k in total but only 5k are from loans, the rest are from this work study option that gives me 4k which i can either accept or decline? any thoughts

Federal work study is part of your federal aid package. You will be expected to work for the additional money listed and you will not receive the money until you work. I have copied some information from the website listed below. If you have any questions, you should be working with a financial aid advisor at UCB to help you understand the aid you are receiving.

Federal Work-Study provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to the student’s course of study.

Here’s a quick overview of Federal Work-Study:

  • It provides part-time employment while you are enrolled in school.

  • It’s available to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students with financial need.

  • It’s available to full-time or part-time students.

  • It’s administered by schools participating in the Federal Work-Study Program. Check with your school’s financial aid office to find out if your school participates.

What kinds of jobs are there?

The Federal Work-Study Program emphasizes employment in civic education and work related to your course of study whenever possible.

Are jobs on campus or off campus?

Both. If you work on campus, you’ll usually work for your school. If you work off campus, your employer will usually be a private nonprofit organization or a public agency, and the work performed must be in the public interest.

Some schools might have agreements with private for-profit employers for work-study jobs. These jobs must be relevant to your course of study (to the maximum extent possible). If you attend a proprietary school (i.e., a for-profit institution
