UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thanks. Another question. I understand that class sizes are very large for the intro courses. But do they get much smaller as you progress? Are there classes with 30 people or less with professors (not TA’s) that allow for discussion and interaction ?

I haven’t looked into it in detail this year, but when my class of 23D started at cal, you were guaranteed on campus housing first year if you filled out the request in time AND put your fifth (last) choice as “any available.” She could have had a dorm room her 2nd year, but an apartment walkable to campus with two friends became a better option.

Thank you. how many were accepted at Berkeley ( found the law suit confusing so was not sure of the final count the were accepted) . Thanks in advance

I have not seen the admit numbers as of yet.

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The people’s park is being cleared out and construction starts in the summer for new dorms. Homeless community is being relocated to leased out hotel downtown area, away from the dorms.


My D was admitted both to UCB and UCLA. Econ major. Cannot decide between the two, I’m leaning towards UCB since she may have a chance to get into Haas and UCB has better rankings for her major. I would love to get feedback from @Gumbymom and others. She’s a bit intimidated hearing about the cut throat culture at UCB , and the competitive nature of the students; not sure if that’s even the case? We live in the Bay Area so it’s a big plus if she stays local Thank you!


If she was admitted to both schools, she will be able to handle the academics at both. I do hear that UCB can be “cutthroat” in nature but there are plenty of students that would say is this a misconception. Both schools are tough admits so she will be surrounded by high performing students no matter where she goes. She should select which school she would be happiest attending for the next 4 years, where she thinks she can thrive and achieve her goals. No bad option here.


Wondering the same. Looks like it may be an alternative approach to Spring start. Very little information anywhere and vague explanation from the school.

D22 admitted, but is unable to see any of their notifications (9 sofar waiting to be read). When clicking on any of the notification/messages, they are asked to sign into Campus Solutions and when they click on that, it goes nowhere. Wondering if anybody has the same problem or has found as solution.

I understand one needs to apply and write a bunch of essays to be admitted to Bowles Hall and that there is no guaranty of being chosen.

Do you list Bowles as one of your 5 choices on the Housing application, too, or leave it out?

No. Bowles isn’t part of the regular housing application. So it’s not one of the 5 choices that you rank. And I’d definitely suggest for the on campus housing you do list any any for the 5th option.

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I think class size in lower division intro courses depends a lot on major: how impacted it is, how rigid the course sequence, how many total classes for the major. My d25 is a provisional media studies major (might double in Poli Sci). She has taken a couple of big intro courses freshman year in poli sci and history, as well as French, art and breadth courses in reading & composition and brain science. Partly due to COVID, bigger lectures have been mostly synchronous or asynchronous online, with an in person discussion. so far, she is very satisfied with both class size and opportunities for professor contact. The GSIs have been excellent. She felt comfortable attending office hours and profs have gone out of their way to be accessible (especially compared to what I remember when I went there). One thing: my student did choose courses first semester with specific intent of finding smaller classes that would be held in person and taught by professors. Media studies discourages taking departmental intro courses before second year, which helps.

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I know at some schools kids do quite well by going “random” in the roommate process. Is that the case at Berkeley or should kids really try to find roommates? S22 is OOS. He’s not sure trying to pick roommates from social media sites will be better than going random.

Click on #6 for roommate information

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Same! We are OOS also and from Arizona. So far my son has come across no one from here that is going to Berkeley. He chose random. I think the girls definitely choose prior though.

I remember reading about actual research on the subject and there is no difference in terms of outcomes between assigned roommates and roommates chosen by students.

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If there will be any such announcement regarding the claimed limitation on access to CS 70, it will likely be reflected at Getting into CS Classes - EECS at Berkeley . Currently, there is no indication of such, but those concerned about it may want to wait for now and check that web page every so often.


I talked to EECS advising and it looks like
the rumors are well-founded however the discussions are ongoing. I would expect some form of restriction but hopefully they make it effective fall 2023.


I know this is an older post, but could you PM me the stats we well?

Does anyone know if the Cal Day on 23rd is geared more towards students, or the parents should attend too?