UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you! The UC’s should pay you for being so informative and helpful!!

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He can use Calnet ID to log into

That’s pretty much a one stop for all his info, Academics, Finances, admission related (housing etc.). All the reported APs are captured as credits which you can view in the student’s CalCentral account. Besides there’s also link to bMail and bCalendar for email and calendars. When D took her courses, this is the mode of communication pretty much.

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Regarding the AP credits, I am guessing it will be updated after you’ve officially sent the AP scores, right ?

DS admitted into EECS wants to drop some AP exams as they would not count towards college credits at Berkeley. He argues he’d rather spend that time ensuring his school grades do not drop instead of spending time on AP test practice. While I don’t see anything in the admission conditions that suggests not taking AP exams would void the admission offer, I am a little concerned that we might be missing something. Can someone opine on this?

I already see it in my D’s Calcentral. May be the credit would be given only after you send in the scores I believe.

He can just take the AP tests without any test-specific studying. That way, any admission condition regarding taking of planned AP tests will be fulfilled.

If he learned the material in the associated AP course well, he may do well on the AP test anyway without any additional studying specific to the AP test. (Back when I was in high school, students did not specifically study for AP tests, since normal course work in the associated AP course was considered sufficient studying for the AP test.)

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That has been exactly my counter argument to him. Thanks for the advice.

If you mentioned in your UC application that you would be taking those AP exams but are now planning to not take those, you do need to inform the admissions. The update form on the portal has that option.
That being said, it doesn’t affect your admission status. But I think its better to avoid the whole thing and just take the AP exams, scores would not matter anyways if you are not looking for credits.

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Sounds very sensible. Thanks!

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The website says move-in days are Aug. 16-17. I’m assuming S22 will be assigned to move in on one of those two days.

Should I wait to book our hotel until we know which day he will actually move in? And typically do parents just help out with the hour or two of move-in, say good-by and leave? :sob: We are OOS so likely would not see our son again until winter break…

Just book something refundable around that window. Once official communication is out, I’m sure hotels are going to get pricey.

We are planning to stay in east coast for a week until class starts, it depends on our work schedules though.

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We are out of town too and just booked a rental until the 17th. The rental we got has a cancellation policy up until a week before so figured we can adjust dates for staying shorter or longer if need be.

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Have SEED Scholars been announced or notified?

Also, wondering if anybody has found out more about L&S CS program and any potential changes forthcoming?

I spoke with someone from admissions yesterday at the LA Welcome event about this. My son has also changed his mind and will not be taking 2 of the 5 AP tests he listed on the application. The admissions representative said that this is perfectly acceptable, and that you just need to update his portal noting that he will not be taking the tests anymore. The rep specifically said there is no issue if you don’t take the test, as long as you complete the class.


I spoke with someone from the Engineering department yesterday at the LA Welcome event regarding this, and she said nothing has been decided and according to her, would likely not affect the incoming students.

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What is " statement of legal residence"? The portal description looks completed something about filling up timed forms and precise logic and what not. Any one tried completing it so far?

The form you fill in with information to verify whether you are California resident for tuition and financial aid purposes.

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Son is admitted to L&S. Have 2 questions: 1) At the time of application, if he specified a particular major (say Cognitive Science), is he still considered as ’ L&S undeclared’ until he completes the specific major’s pre-reqs and declares a major? 2) If he changes his mind and wants to pursue say CS major, are there any restrictions other than things that are being discussed for L&S students who did not specify CS as desired major in the UC application? Thanks!


Not beyond the existing requirements (3.3 GPA in CS 61A, 61B, 70), as of now. Of course, there are rumors about discussions about how to keep the L&S CS major from overflowing the department even more than it already is, leading to uncertainty about whether this fall’s incoming L&S frosh will be affected by any changes if they are made.

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