UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

College of L&S does not admit by major, so all students come into the College as Undeclared. The student then takes the required courses to declare their major.

For CS: A student needs to take CS 61A, 61B, 70 and have a 3.30 overall GPA in those 3 courses before declaring the major. Currently this is the only restriction. Other restrictions mentioned in the L&S discussion have not been approved yet.

Major Declaration Policies

  • Per campus policy, students can retake and earn credit for a class in which they received a grade of D+ or lower. Beginning Spring 2017 , prerequisite courses which have been retaken will be averaged to calculate the major application GPA (For example: CS 61A = D; CS 61B = A-; CS 61A = A-; CS 70 = A; averaged GPA = 3.1).
    • If a student receives an NP in a pre-req, it will be factored as an F (0.0 grade points) when their CS major application is reviewed.
  • If a student completes equivalent courses to our prerequisite courses (CS 61A, CS 61B, CS 70) at another institution, at least one course must be completed at UC Berkeley to calculate the major application GPA.
  • Students who do not meet the minimum prerequisite and GPA requirements for the Computer Science major, may choose to appeal the major declaration decision after they have submitted an initial application to the major. Find our more about the Major Declaration Appeal Process.


For Cognitive Science: Degree Requirements | Cognitive Science


Thanks for comprehensive responses!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Chances for CS at California schools

3 posts were split to a new thread: Chances for CS at California schools

Is anyone familiar with the CAL alumni leadership award?
Do all the freshmen get invited to apply?

@NPCal Berkeley admissions Instagram page posted how to contact their office (via a form) to let them know student will not take AP exams that were planned on the UC application in Nov. If he is not getting credit, I would skip the AP exam 100%. He can get B’s and will also still be ok. Enjoy the rest of senior year. My son ditched all of his AP exams senior year. He just notified his school to explain he wanted to save over $350 in exam fees since his college didn’t give credit. They were fine with it.

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S22 got the invitation as well. I don’t know if its highly selective but I think there is probably a small subset that get invited.

Their award process requires two essays and each app gets scored by multiple people and there is also a panel interview for each finalist. I can’t imagine them having the resources needed to process a huge number of freshmen.

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It makes more sense doing it this way compared to UCLA that makes a good number of students who will not get admitted apply


My son got in touch with the AO at Berkeley and was told the same - to simply use the update form to notify about the change in plans. The admission offer would still stand. So seems like a fairly common situation.

We have already paid the AP exam fees. Didn’t think it would be refunded at this stage. Are you saying that it will?

Anyone going to the shadow a math student next Friday? I’m so excited about that!

Hi - what are the best ways for freshmen to find room mates? D22 filled out the housing application. she is not on Instagram ( looks like some of the kids at school found room mates on that platform). She is not on face book either. what do you recommend? are there any avenues / groups where one can find room mates ahead of time ( I saw a facebook parents group for 2025 class but nothing for 2026, Also I do not know what is the best practice if parents groups have posts like that) Is it better to let it be and end up with university assigned room mate or should D22 proactively go and seek one? Thanks for pointers.

There is a parents group for 2026 in Facebook

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(Edited to delete… better answers given already.)

There is a new thread on reddit which suggests that the potential nightmare for L&S CS may be over for this year’s admitted students:


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S22 looked on social media and decided it was too difficult to try to pick roommates that way. Everyone was writing the same things about themselves loves sports, watching movies, listening to music, hanging out with friends, etc. So he has decided just to go random because at least based on the survey they ask you to fill out, he feels he has a better chance of being matched with compatible roommates. If they turn out to have totally different interests, maybe he’ll learn something from them!


Here is apparently the new page on getting into CS classes:

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The general speculation is that the restrictions will come at some point - likely effective starting the class of 2027. They are also talking about removing the EECS 16B pre-requisite and transferring the resources to CS 70 accommodating more students.

Not knowing the legality of such things, I think this funding thing crisis opens up a massive opportunity for a Google or Meta to endow CS program funding at Berkeley.

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Hi, I was given regents and UCB. I was hoping anyone can give advice on how to enroll at UCB part-time - is there a possibility that a student can take a couple of specific classes at UCB after admission without being full-time?

Hello! Congrats to all the baby bears out there!

If you’re thinking about studying economics (our panelists also study business, data science, computer science, environmental econ, and more!) then come to our virtual infosession! You can chat with Cal professors and network with current Cal undergrads who will talk about clubs on campus, student life, curriculum, etc.

RSVP: https://■■■■■■■■■/FDj56dE7XBBdjyLy7


Students who came in as freshmen are expected to graduate in eight semesters and work towards degree completion.

Reduced Course Loads

Reduced Course Loads (RCL) may be granted under certain circumstances outlined below. Petitions and other supporting documentation for an RCL must be submitted by the Friday of the third week of the instruction to the Office of Instruction & Student Affairs Also as a Regent’s scholar you may be restricted on a reduced course load. I would contact student affairs and look over this link.
