UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you!

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Any updates on seed scholarship?

I heard on the FB page that some students received email regarding the seeds scholarship. That was probably a week ago.

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Haha, yeah I’m rooting for SLO too! She didn’t get any merit from Pitt but $30k from WPI, but they all end up way less than the full pay private schools she was considering. :sweat_smile:

Don’t want to go too off-topic on this Cal thread, so, GO BEARS! :bear:

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This is probably the worst question asked on this forum this year, but does anyone have any suggestions on where to park for Cal Day tomorrow? We parked adjacent to the stadium when we visited the campus last fall and the lot was practically empty, but I would imagine it’s going to be full tomorrow. Thanks!

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If you can take BART to the downtown Berkeley station, you can then walk to campus.

But note that the BART station is a block west of campus, and the campus is on a hill, with the east side being uphill from the west side.

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I have the same question. We are driving to Berkeley , do the registered families get a parking permit or a specific parking lot to park?

If you look in the Cal Day app under “Information” there is specific Parking information (and a map) with free parking provided in eleven specific lots. - I’m no expert on Berkeley parking, but hopefully you can find some helpful information in the app.


thanks for the pointer, this is super helpful.

For cal day do we need to pick up badges to get in out of various tours, info sessions? I am not seeing any central place to report at.

Possibly to check in at the stadium at 8, since they said check in starts at 7:30. But I think beyond that most things are outside and they won’t check. I’m guessing there will be community members in attendance since there is a kids are in Sproul Plaza, and there’s no way to control that. Sounds like Cal is just advertising it for admitted students only to keep numbers lower.

Check in is in Sproul plaza but I really don’t think it’s mandatory. The engineering breakfast is at 10.30 and there are only a few such events that require prior registration and confirmation. The rest of the events should be open to every admitted student.

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Anyone enamored or turned off by Cal Day? We liked the campus itself but the areas around campus were meh at best. We did get to meet the COE dean which was unexpectedly pleasant. On the flip side, engineering tours were not helpful since no one could go inside and the line/wait for the tours were long. We ended up just grabbing the tour guide script from a helpful volunteer and doing our own self guided tour.

Kudos to COE for hauling out some good coffee for the welcome breakfast. Much needed after a sleepless night the day before :wink:


Welcome to Berkeley! Good coffee, long lines and figuring out how to do it yourself. :wink:


You took the words off my mouth. I was going to comment how the long lines felt like the course enrollment process :slight_smile:


Is it down to UCSB vs Berkeley?

Yeah, exactly - we also liked the campus very much but found the surrounding area was sketchy at best. But like everyone else, we already knew that coming in. I have to admit, however, that it wasn’t as bad as we thought it was going to be. Granted, we only walked around the neighborhood area during the day and not at night which I can imagine is quite a bit different.

Daughter still has not committed but it sure seems like Berkeley is going to be the choice. This was especially evident when, after the Chancellor’s welcome speech was rudely interrupted by a small group of protestors, my daughter just chuckled and said, “Well that’s Berkeley for you!” Overall, we really enjoyed Cal Day very much and were surprised by the throngs of people there compared to the other welcome events that we’ve recently attended. The event really cemented in our minds that Berkeley is the best place for our daughter. Now if she will only hit the “Yes” button, we can all move on with our lives! :grin:


The top 2 changed after the visits. UCSB slid to 3 and now it’s Cal vs UIUC. If I were to hazard a guess, Berkeley is the favorite but I won’t be shocked if he chooses one of the other two.

My speculation is simply off the amount of school merchandise he bought. Hoodie, shorts, sweat pants, cap at Cal and a token t shirt at the other two.


:rofl: :rofl: So true! After yesterday, gonna need another scholarship just to cover the merch tab. At least Davis offered a 20% discount during Aggie Day!

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Ya, he spent the equivalent of an above average Costco run. And you know how that goes…he bought 2 bandanas for our golden retriever on top of the stuff he bought for himself.

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