UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Agree so much with this. I also did undergrad at Harvard, and I live in Berkeley. There are a ton of similarities and imo the benefits overall outweigh any concerns. Additional benefit just as with Cambridge/Boston is the proximity to a larger city with all of the accompanying advantages (concerts, sporting events, restaurants, museums, etc.).


I’ve been reading about the difficulty some Berkeley students have finding housing once they leave the dorms. Does anyone have any insight into this? Is it really hard to find a place and super expensive to live once you’re off campus? If my daughter attends Berkeley (she’s still deciding!) I don’t want her to have to live far from the school.

here’s an article I “stumbled upon” and kind of wish I hadn’t - Housing shortage, soaring rents squeeze US college students | AP News

My son is freshman and he and his roommate already found the apartment for next year. It’s 10 minutes walk to campus. He said it’s not difficult to find outside housing. You just need to ask. Also there is a Facebook Berkeley housing group. It’s very active and lots of postings every day. Here is the link for your reference.

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thank you!

I second @Visitor1 . My son is a 2nd year. Had almost no issues finding housing 2nd year. For him, it worked well when he had a few friends to go in on an apartment. For next year he is moving to a house with a few friends. Maybe 10 min walk to Sproul Plaza.

waitlisted applicant here, could someone that got admitted check how many spots are left for the FPF pathway? thanks!

Fingers crossed for you re: the waitlist. How would I check the number of FPF slots remaining? My son is in FPF so maybe I can help.

There is a way, but I’m not sure how

Good luck with the decisions on acceptances!

Quick question. Once we accept and pay $250, is that it? we are set? I am assuming then we will get the college communications on next steps. Thanks

Apply for campus housing if you want to live in it.

If you want to live in co-op housing, the wait list for new applicants is probably too long for this fall, but if you apply now, you may be able to get into it for sophomore year.

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After enrolling, then apply for housing, review your conditions of admission, submit your final transcripts and test scores (AP/SAT/ACT etc…) by the deadline stated in your conditions of admission.

Here is a link to the Freshman FAQ’s: https://apply.berkeley.edu/counselor/freshman_FAQs.pdf

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Your student needs to go back into Cal Central and read carefully to see what else needs to be done. It’s pretty well marked to show what needs to be done and the timeline. Several things have a May 1 deadline. Statement of Legal Residence and Cal Net ID. I’m working on it with my student now. It takes some time. Be ready to dig out your car registration!
Also, housing application has a May 2 deadline. We still need to work on that.


I’d suggest calling or emailing FPF on Monday. My student is also in FPF, but I don’t see remaining spots anywhere in the forms.

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Am I obligated to do anything to decline an offer of admission to UC Berkeley or any other UC’s? I went through several steps but still cannot find an easy way to decline. I understand its not courteous but there is no single button to click to politely decline.

We just did it. Go to the portal. Not to Cal central. There is a place to say I no longer wish to attend.

Does anyone have insight about taking “Berkeley Connect” in summer for newly admitted student?

Any Updates on seed scholarship?

When do the students get their Berkeley email ID , after they move in or before?

Is FPF ( Fall Program for Freshman) registration offered for all admitted students to College of Letters/Science. Is it advisable to sign up ( does everyone who signs up get accepted to it) ? Thanks