UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

hi all!! just providing some stats for those applying to berkeley in future years (not sure if this is the right thread for that? lmk if not)

  • 4.7 HS GPA (weighted)
  • 3.98 unweighted GPA (I got 1 B sophomore year)
  • 11 AP exams (10th grade: Chem (4), European History (5), 11th grade: English Lang (5), US History (5), Psychology (5), Calc BC (5), 12th grade: English Lit (5), Macroecon (3), US Gov (4), Spanish (4), Bio, (5))
  • my school did not rank, but i did qualify for UC top 9% of class.
  • ECs: 4 years HS dance/cheer team (including 2 yrs as captain), competitive dance and stunt, ASB, founded Red Cross Club, Amnesty, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, a lot of community service, piano, tutoring, a year as a scribe for a doctor, work experience as secretary at a law firm
  • big passion project- helping the homeless in my community (providing care kits, feeding the homeless once a week, holding clinic to get them medical care, etc)
  • Not many awards or recognitions. AP Scholar w/Distinction and just some other irrelevant small awards.
  • Did not submit test scores (although this does not matter since UCs are test blind)

I was admitted into the College of Chemistry in the Chemical Biology major at Berkeley for fall 2022. I am planning on going a pre-med route. Hope this helps! Stats are never everything, but I know it helped me to see them when I was applying. Write your essays early and make sure your application reflects one cohesive cause that you care about- something that will enhance the culture at Berkeley (or whatever school you want to get in to).


@Gumbymom Hi!. Regarding next year’s UCB class (class of 2027), will UCB still look at performance on AP exams? I know they mentioned it somewhere as one of their selection criteria as recent as the incoming class, but I can’t find that information for next year’s freshmen.

EDIT ** I think I just found it. Website still says " * Your scores on AP or IB exams and SAT subject exams" are used in Freshmen selection

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Hi - All the best for everyone getting ready for the move in. Quick questions. 1) Currently , looking for a hotel near campus for a short stay around move in date. Any pointers on best options at this point in time? 2) Do the rooms come with fans? I did not see fans in the checklist. However it has been quite hot recently and wondered what it is like in Berkeley.

Thanks in advance

The Bancroft hotel is right across from campus. The rooms are small without fans (used to be a sorority house) and they have a small parking lot. It might be sold out for move in. There are also several hotels in Emeryville. We’ve stayed at the new Hyatt Place and it was nice.

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We stayed at Hotel Shattuck Plaza. It’s only 2 blocks off campus and we found it convenient. I also bought a small desk fan for my son in case it gets hot. It’s small enough to get shoved in the closet once he doesn’t need it. https://www.amazon.com/Vornado-Flippi-Personal-Circulator-Storm/dp/B0822721FZ/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=vornado+desk+fan&qid=1658893773&sr=8-2
Can’t believe we are only weeks away! :grin: :sob: :grin:

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Can’t believe we are only 2 weeks away from move in. trying to figure out all the last minute paper work etc. Last year this time D22 was working on essays and we were iterating college lists. Time seems to have flown very fast. feeling nostalgic about the pre-app frenzy but at the same time it is nice to see that in the rear view mirror.

Nostalgic yeah but I never want to go through that again. Sadly, my youngest is in middle school and I shudder to think what college admissions will be like in a few years time.

Very excited though for the move-in. Anyone going to the welcome reception tomorrow in SF?


Where do you hear about welcome receptions? We haven’t seen anything about them.

I have not heard of the welcome reception. BTW, when does one get to know who the room mates will be? Thanks

We’ve been wondering about roommates too. I would think students would hear very soon.

Go to



On the FB board, someone called Housing and was told the kids would find out by the end of the day tomorrow. Have also heard it wouldn’t be until after the August 7 deadline to withdraw if one is uncomfortable with the new quarantine in place rules for Covid. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

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I totally agree. Somewhere I sawthat the UC application was open starting this week and it was hard to believe that was just last year. Feels like centuries ago and I would never want to live through that again. I really feel for you that you’re going to have to go through it again in a few years. But maybe they will have improved things? Maybe?

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S22 has been in NYC for an internship this summer and shows up just a week before we head to Berkeley so I’ve been doing most of the dorm shopping for him. Now that I’ve amassed a pile in the living room, I get super emotional every time I walk by. Summer seems to have gone by much to quickly. I’m alternately gleefully happy and near tears multiple cycles a day. :joy: :sob: :joy:


Any idea when roommate information is available ( on housing portal? ) .

Guessing it will not come out today. With an Aug 7th no-penalty housing contract cancellation deadline, the school would be creating a bureaucratic and PR nightmare if they revealed roommates’ names before students could cancel their housing.

aaaaand I was dead wrong

For those curious about the future state of CS admissions, here’s a reddit post that convincingly suggests that high-demand majors such as CS, DS, et al might be direct-to-major admits only starting this fall.


It does not necessarily mean that all high demand L&S majors will go with this model, since it is not necessarily the case that high demand L&S majors other then CS are having difficulty managing enrollment with the existing process (minimum GPA in prerequisite courses).

Also, note that data science is not listed as a high demand L&S major at Declare or Change a Major | L&S Advising , nor does the data science declaration page at Declaring The Major | CDSS at UC Berkeley mention any need to have a prerequisite GPA higher than 2.0 or grades higher than C. It looks like the major is designed to scale to high enrollments, since most of the upper division requirements listed at Requirements: Upper Division | CDSS at UC Berkeley offer a range of course options in various departments, and the ones offered under the data science title are in large classrooms with large allowed enrollments (e.g. DATA 100 is in Wheeler 150 with capacity of 1,030 for fall 2022, according to 2022 Fall DATA C100 001 LEC 001 | Course Catalog ).

It very likely means that someone applying to UCB with an interest in L&S CS as the first choice major should pay attention to anything regarding major selection on the application (most likely will require selecting L&S CS in order to be able to declare that major after completing prerequisites). If admitted, the applicant should also pay attention to whether the admission includes having the path to L&S CS.

:slight_smile: No worries, good to know the students will have time to connect before the move in