UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Hello so I accepted a UC offer at another campus and am regretting that decision. Do you think I can still get my acceptance back at UC Berkeley or is it too late?

Since UCB classes start next week, I would say you are very late to be reconsidering your decision. To ease your mind, contact admissions and ask if you can enroll which I think is highly unlikely at this point.

  • By Phone: Call us at 510-642-3175 to speak to a UC Berkeley admissions representative.
    • Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Pacific Time (Closed Wednesdays)

My advice is to embrace your current school since there was a good reason or reasons on accepting it in the first place. Second guessing your decision is normal so move forward with your original decision and do not look back. Best of luck.

I hope you are able to go where you want but its likely impossible this late in the game. Make peace with your current option (assuming its UCLA) and know that there is really no wrong answer here. Good luck!

Yes it is UCLA, as much as I love the school I don’t like how close it is to home and feel Berkeley would’ve been a nicer change. Also it seems to perform slightly better for my major. I’ve already sent a message to admissions but unfortunately I am aware of how impossible it is to get my spot back. Oh well. Just mad at myself tbh.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Discussion

For Freshman 2023 applicants (Class of 2027), I have started a discussion thread in which you can post your questions.