UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Yes, I agree. Especially evident with those two campuses.

Any stats on how many are in the waitlist?

this year’s thread seems to be very quite. i guess the waitlist number has gone down compared to previous years?

This discussion is quiet since no one has been admitted off the waitlist yet. No way to know if what the waitlist numbers are until UCB closes the waitlist. Since the SIR deadline was yesterday, it may take a few days before UCB can determine if there are any spots available. Hopefully everyone waiting has enrolled in another school and are getting excited about attending.


@Gumbymom I’m wondering if perhaps UC Berkeley admissions is looking to enroll a slightly smaller freshman class this fall. In the UC High School Counselor Conference presentation (see link below, slide #14), the presentation says that Berkeley intended to register 6,240 new freshman for the Class of 2026 that enrolled last fall. However, due to stronger than expected yield, Berkeley enrolled 6,727 freshman last fall, or 487 higher than the target. In addition, Berkeley enrolled its largest-ever freshman count of 6,931 in the Class of 2025 that entered two years ago, so arguably this year’s class could be smaller to make up for the fact that the last 2 enrolled classes came in “hot.”

If Berkeley’s looking to “load balance” undergraduate enrollment for the higher-than-planned Classes of 2025 and 2026, it might explain why things have been pretty quiet on the Berkeley waitlist front so far this cycle.

I believe several of the UC’s have been cautious with their admit numbers this year and some have already started using their waitlist if they fall short of their enrollment target. Since UCB has had higher yield and larger Freshman class enrollments, it does make sense that there has been no activity on this discussion thread so far. Only time will tell.

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So is that to say that for this year, berkeley directly admitted more students and put fewer students on their waitlist compared to before?

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All this is speculation so until UCB releases the actual numbers, no one knows for sure. If UCB’s yield was up and their Freshman class was larger than expected last year, they probably admitted fewer Freshman and will utilize the waitlist to fill in the gaps if there are any.

i see. thank you! i went through the waitlist threads for class of 2026 and 25. it seems like Berkeley released the first wave of waitlist admits during the 1st/2nd week of May. hopefully, that’s also the case this year.

Just keep in mind that last year UCB only made a very few offers to students on the waitlist. I think it was 44 total — around 1% who accepted a spot on the waitlist. So hopefully you are moving on to love whatever school you committed to! It’s very likely a long shot to get in off the waitlist.

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How would they let you know. Do they send an email or does it come up on status update?

They will send you an email with an update to your student portal.

Are they only going to update portals if someone is accepted off the waitlist? Or they will update either way?

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At some point later in the summer, they will close the waitlist. At that time, they should update portals and send email to students not accepted. However this might not happen until quite late in the summer.

Admission from the waitlist for any student is very unlikely. Last year they only admitted a few students. It’s best to go ahead with your other plans for the year, get excited about where you have committed!


Does anyone know when will they start to process their waitlist? Since all other campuses already started a week ago.

Btw, what is chance for getting off from the engineering wl?

Seems like some WL people started getting forbidden on calnet account manager

any waitlist update

Just checked mine, unauthorized…:sob:

should i be worried that line is not unauthorized

What do you mean by unauthorized?