UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Are these additional 900 spots accepted for instate this year? Any links?

us either
I was wondering about that.


Any international students get in?

film and media

He is a film and media major

I only read about the 900 spots in the news and there likely won’t be hard data until Common Data Set reports come out this fall. In prior year waitlist threads like class of 2025, there are posts about how current students with CalIDs being able to check the number of spots still available for FPF and/or change makers (?)


these 900 are new spots they added at Berkeley, for waitlisted students?

Thank you.
I remember those news article mentioning state want to fund 900 in state spots from 2023-24 across Berkeley , ucla , ucsd.
As you rightly said, we cannot confirm anything until we see common data set.

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ik every year is different but when can we expect more waitlist desisions to be released

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If there are still spots open after the initial wave, then you can see more waitlist admits. Usually this happens after the initial waves SIR deadline.

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so probably no more desisions for at least 10 days?

Possibly if they’re still spots open.

but likely not before that? some people say they will come later this week

UCB may have not sent out all the admits on this wave so it is possible. Seems to be more Engineering so spots in the other Colleges may come later this week. Only UCB admissions knows for sure.


I did :slight_smile:

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I don’t think it’s going by specific college–it seems like a mix of everything, but certain colleges may just have more room. I just got off the waitlist for L&S.

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Congrats!! What major did you get off for? Was it a high-demand major? Or undeclared L&S


what time?

Has anyone got off the waitlist today?

Hi, Yesterday (8th May) Evening after 6-7 PM Rolling Base some students got admission from the waitlist.